Last weekend, we went to see Jacob Moon (from Ontario) play at House of James. We are avid fans of him and try our hardest to see him every time he comes to BC. He is singer/songwriter who plays folk music. He plays a live looping machine which allows him to add depth to his music using only a single guitar. He has recently played for Rush at their induction in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame.

We've gotten to know Jacob over the past years (thanks Matt for the introduction and house party). Whenever he sees us at a concert, he makes an effort to come over and say hello to us. This concert, we sat in the front row and during his first song, he looked over and realized who we were. Then, he realized that we were 9 months pregnant and gave us this "congratulatory" look.
Our baby has grown to love Jacob Moon. In fact, while at the concert, our baby was dancing away to his songs. When Jacob played his two new songs, the baby stopped moving as if to protest, "I don't know who this is!!!!" But as soon as Jacob played songs from his Cd's the baby would start dancing again. Then Jacob Moon decided to play some Christmas songs from his Christmas CD which is currently being played continuously at our house. The baby went nuts, as if to say, "Christmas, Christmas, CHRISTMAS!!!" like any excited child exclaims. Needless to say, our baby LOVES Jacob Moon Christmas!
Jacob came to talk with us during intermission and congratulated us on our soon-to-be arrival. He said that anyone who would attend his show two weeks before delivering a baby should be inducted into the Jacob Moon fan club as devote members. The reality is that unless we were in labour or had just delivered, we probably would have been there. (yes, we like him that much!)