Thursday, January 13, 2011

When the best of intentions are foiled

I had the best of intentions. But unfortunately they were not to be. Dan and I have spent the better part of our marriage trying to live simply and live "green." We want to be good stewards of the world God made. But since Joel has been born, I feel as though these ideals are harder to come by. Like I said, I had the best of intentions.
I purposely bought reusable nursing pads hoping to forgo the disposable kind and save the landfill from a few more pieces of junk. But what I didn't anticipate was the overabundance of breast milk that God has "blessed" me with. Because of this overabundance, the reusable pads just can't contain the milk I have (and sometimes, I've doubled up and still ended up with a soaked shirt). I end up being soaked all day long. I don't wish to remain drenched all day, and I want to keep myself from developing an infection so I made the switch to disposables. I am now adding more garbage to the landfill everyday. I had the best of intentions to help the environment, but they have been foiled.
We also had the best of intentions to start cloth diapering Joel after the meconium poos had passed. But here we are, a month into his life and still using disposables. Why? It has something to do with the medications Joel is taking for his infection and the diarrhea that ensues. We just can't handle washing upwards of 20 poopy diapers a day (I don't have enough to go 2 days at that rate!). Plus, we had a couple lovingly donate a few boxes of diapers to us (can't let them go to waste can we?) So, Joel is still in disposables and we are killing the environment one diaper change at a time.
But there is a silver lining to all of this. Since I have been blessed with the overabundance of breast milk, I am now able to donate my milk to BC Woman and Children's Hospital. Yes, this does add more of an environmental strain to the world with the plastic storage bags for breast milk, but I feel as though it is somewhat justified since it is feeding sick babies and children. I can only hope that they dispose of the plastic responsibly.
Sometimes we have the best of intentions that don't always work out the way we wish they did. But somehow God has a way of intervening and renewing our intentions into His own.

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