Sunday, June 26, 2011

An update on life

This month, so much has happened. many things have changed in the lives of AmanDan and Joel.

We have become the proud new owners of the Purple People Eater, for lack of a better name. We have begun adjusting to the minivan ownership and all that it brings with it. We have enjoyed using it for two hikes, a trip to the parents house, and the Highland games. We still walk for everyday items from the grocery store, although that's been a bit difficult as we have three kids.

Oh, yah. Amanda is back to work for the month of June. Apparently, the other nanny had a mental breakdown, and Amanda was requested to begin working again. And since she is still waiting (3 months and counting) for the government to approve her continuing maternity leave, we decided to take the plunge and bump up the finances and start working. Its been a nice change of pace to be back at work. Cypress is a great help with Joel and River, least he's not that much of a challenge anymore. Its been great to have Joel in a more consistent routine since Cypress's preschool schedule has forced the napping and eating into set times.

Joel now has two teeth and is eating solids like a grown up. He sure loves anything that we eat, including Indian samosas, Chinese food, pizza, steak skewers, avocado.....oh, the list could go on. He has also started to become mobile. He doesn't quite crawl yet, but he does propel himself forward (and on some occasions backwards and under the couch!) He is also walking around the coffee table, but cannot pull himself up yet. He loves to walk when you hold his hands. Yesterday he walked almost all day at the Highland games.

Dan had a job interview the other day for a position at MEI Middle School. We hope that this will bring about a new job for him come September. We will find out later this week.

Add a trip to the zoo, a hike up Teapot Hill and to Lindeman Lake (with 3 kids, all under 5), the Highland Games, to your daily life and you'll have a glimpse of our lives over the past month. Its been busy, but good.  And its only about to get more adventurous. Bring on July!

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