20.9 km and approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes
That is the distance and time it SHOULD take us to walk from our house to my mother's house in Langley, all things going as planned. Knowing us (okay me) and my frequent need to pee, it will take a bit longer. Dan thinks about five hours with pee breaks....or did he say 5 hours OF pee breaks. Its a bit muddled.
The question on most of your minds is #1. WHY? and #2. Pracitice run???
We do have answers to both those questions.
#1. WHY? We need to find out if we can actually walk this distance in a day.
#2. Practise run? Yes, practise. For the big walk to Hope.
And now you have a third (and fourth) question....Why Hope and why walk?
Well, we can answer those too...we think.
As for Hope, well, its the only destination around here that seemed reasonable enough to walk to in a weekend and didn't run along killer highways the entire way (We plan on walking through Mission and down the backroads through Harrison Mills, Deroche, Dewdney, Agassiz etc. Its approximately 95-96 km)
And why walk you ask? Well, since we don't own a car, walking seems like a logical choice since no buses run there. All seriousness aside, Dan has always wanted an adventure of sorts and I, Amanda have felt bad that we have yet to have one (hahahaha! Our life is one big adventure!). Then, I started to read this book about a man who walked from Thunder Bay Ontario to New York (Walk to New York, Charles Wilkins). Consquently, I put two and two together and thus, "Walk to Hope" was born! (sponsorship, gratuities, donations, gear and places to stay are gratefully accepted!)
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