On the road to Winter Harbour. A little town whose winter population reaches a high of 17. The summer is about 20. We drove down this dirt road for 1.5 hours (one way) just to reach this little town. Why? Because we can. And it was on the map. And it is supposedly the westernly most point of Vancouver Island. Was it worth it? Well, we go this nice photo of a harbour!!! And the pride of being able to say we were at the westernly most inhabited point of Vancouver Island.

That same day/evening, we also took another 45 minute jaunt (one way) to a little town called Zeballos. It was quite quaint and beautiful. Our total time in the town consisted of about 10 minutes due to the gravel road and the setting sun.

Dan's desire was to take a picture of us eating Nanaimo bars in Nanaimo. He got his wish. We also have a picture of him eating a Donut in front of the town of Duncan sign...you know...Dunkin Donuts!

Amanda was "thrilled" to visit numerous (aka almost all of the) public washrooms on Vancouver Island. Her observation...for some reason Victoria is the only town on the Island without low-flow toilets. Yep...she visited that many washrooms (and some of them twice!!)
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