Monday, April 9, 2012

Puddle Jumping

The other week, we had a crazy rainstorm. Okay, really its B.C. It had been raining for days and the kids were driving me crazy. So, one afternoon I suited Joel up (complete with rain pants) and took him outside. I sorta expected him to stay in the parking lot, jump in the puddles and then go inside. But Joel had other plans.

He took off down the sidewalk (and finally I just let him in the huge puddles on the street). But just as I did, the rain came pounding down. And a few seconds after that, it came even harder. I'm just in my shoes and rain jacket and I was soaked in seconds. Dan even took this nice video (from the protective cover of the parking lot) of me with this sad face saying in a mopey voice, "I want my rain pants."

But I couldn't leave Joel alone outside and he was having too much fun to take inside. Plus, I was drenched and it really just wasn't worth putting on rain pants anymore.

So, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! I just HAD to teach Joel the art of puddle jumping. He definitely was giggling the whole time. And then tried to copy me. But he doesn't know how to jump yet, so he basically walked into the puddle, kicked the water a bit and got out. It was hilarious! The one puddle was so deep that it was up past his ankles. But he didn't care.

He loves being out in the rain, and even more so loves being out in the puddles. When we came in,  I was drenched from head to toe, as was Dan who finally succumb to the rain and took pictures for us. Joel, on the other hand, was relatively dry. His hands and face were frozen, and his shirt was wet (apparently his jacket leaks). But it was a fun afternoon in B.C.'s famous rain storms.
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