Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Random Ramblings

Sometimes the conversations we have here at the McCrimmon house are worth sharing....

Most of the time, these one liners come to us to help explain life to a two year old or Dan to the world or my light bulb moments in the midst of sleeplessness

Ovals: They're like the rectangle of the circle family

Yoga Pants: our generations Mom jeans

I was in the kitchen pouring beef broth into canning jars for processing when Dan comes up to me and says, "Don't kill me. But you're a yummy mummy."
Sadly, it took me a few seconds to realize that I'm NOT the traditional yummy mummy (yippee!) but rather I make yummy things. Dah! That is what sleepless nights do to a mom.

Joel was "doing his thang" on our bed the other morning. I turned to him (for the fourth time that morning) and said, "JOEL! Stop that! That is only for in your bed." He turned to me and in all seriousness, said, "Joel no humping." I hadn't realized that he had picked up on that word which I promptly changed to hopping. "That's right Joel, no hopping!"


  1. Quit hopping your giraffe Joel! Hhahahaha oh man... I lost it.

  2. So funny! The things kids pick up on, eh?
