Thursday, June 20, 2013

Times are a changin'

In a little under two weeks, we move into our new house.
In a little over two weeks, Dan starts a new job as a sprinkler fitter, working alongside our friend Gerhard.
In about two weeks, I may loose my mind.

Its a lot of change, all at once. Moving and starting a new job are both wonderful things. We are super excited that God has blessed us with a new home. We are humbled by a new job for Dan. We have been blessed.

But we are also a little stressed. Moving is hard work, especially with two little ones. Starting a new job can be stressful. We have to find health insurance, new tools, and work clothes for Dan. We've made numerous appointments (eye, dentist, chiro) in the next two weeks to cover us until we have new health coverage. Its a lot, all at once. I'm not complaining, I'm just a little overwhelmed.

If you think of us, pray for us. Pray that it will be a smooth transition for Dan. Pray that he will be able to handle a more physically demanding job and that he will be able to learn all the new skills he needs (especially on little sleep!)

Pray that Joel will adjust to these changes. He is a bit resistant to change. Even a dump truck facing the wrong way on his shelf causes him anxiety, so we can only imagine what moving to a new room/house will be like for him. And then not having Dan around in the mornings as well, will be another adjustment for him.

Pray that I won't get too overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done in the next two weeks. Also, pray for us as we transition to a new neighbourhood. We have made a lot of friends here, and it will be hard to move away from this street and this house (after all, both my boys were born in this apartment!) I'm getting a bit emotional about that.

Pray that Micah will transition to his own room. Pray that he will sleep well and for long periods of time and that we will continue to see his happy self more and more.

Pray for us in these next two-three weeks. And praise the Lord for his bountiful provisions!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for you guys! So many big changes on the horizon. We will be thinking and praying for you!
