Wednesday, September 4, 2013

If you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'EM

It had been a particularily hard day at the McCrimmon house. You know, Joel peed his pants FIVE times before two o'clock. I put him in a diaper, only to have him remove it while we had guests over. He walked around naked for most of the afternoon. He pooped on the grass, stepped in it and walked all over the house. Micah was clingy, and I couldn't put him down ALL day. Luckily, Katrina and Julia were over to help watch my sanity go out the window (and comfort me while I was in tears). Finally it was dinner time and I was at my wits end. Joel hadn't listened all day, and I was DONE. Micah decided that he would take this opportunity to spit a mouthful of yogurt at me. In a split second, I knew I could either get angry or get even. So I took a spoonful of yogurt and BLEW! Yogurt went flying all over Micah's face.
 He thought it was hilarious! As did I. Totally the best part of my day.
(for those of you who are wondering, that is a bun on his head).
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  1. oh my goodness. i love it. what a cutie-pie with yogurt all over his face and what a crazy mama :) but i sure hope you don't have to repeat that kind of day anytime soon. love ya!!!
    ps. how do you always have the camera handy and capture these types of moments?!?!?

  2. Wow... what a great action shot!
