Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Van to Foot Ratio=BAD!

These pictures don't even do Joel's foot justice. Plus, its been 3 days since it happened. Healing has taken place.

So how did this happen? Enter the most guilt ridden mom who caused said accident. We had been out all day and got home at dinner time with two very exhausted and un-napped children. Meltdowns were ensuing. Joel had kicked his shoes off in the van and since it was raining, I decided to carry him in.

I had my arms full of the days events, picked up Joel and yanked the door shut. Only, the door didn't shut. It popped back open. Then I heard that sound. The sound that sends chills up your spine. That blood curdling scream. You know the one that screeches pain. I had accidentally slammed the door on Joel's foot.

We spend the next hour or so consoling an overtired, extremely hungry and hurt little boy. It was difficult to determine the extent of his injuries due to the hunger and tiredness. But once we got a few raisins (the only thing he would eat) into him, the tears eventually subsided. We iced it on and off in four minute increments (the longest our little guy would allow the ice to remain on his foot. Thank goodness for timers). We eventually determined that it was not broken, just extremely swollen and bruised. We had been worried for a little while since the tears were so huge and he wouldn't even allow the bag of peas to rest on it since it hurt too much (or maybe he was hungry OR tired). Who knows? After an hour or so, he finally was able to wiggle his toes and put weight on it. He slept well that night and woke up like nothing had happened.

The guilt? That's staying. Especially when he asks why I slammed the door on his foot. It was an accident!!!! Why doesn't he know the meaning of that word?

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