Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post-Rain Storm at Fishtrap Creek

This is right at the bottom of where the path drops you down at the lake. The water is about a foot away from the pathway. Normally, there is a steep embankment (about 4-6 feet down).
 Last Friday night brought a huge dump of rain, alongside a windstorm. (Darnell and Christina: these pictures are for you!)

The path around the back of the lake was completely flooded. Even the boardwalk, which was built to withstand this type of 'disaster' was underwater.

Saturday morning, I decided to take a walk around the park with Micah, while Dan did some yard work with Joel.

When I got down to the lake, I quickly realized that I probably wouldn't be able to walk around the lake in its entirety. The lake had burst its bank.
Picnic Lunch Anyone?

I went home to tell Dan and grab my camera. (Darnell and Christina, I was thinking about you guys when we took these shots). Together we walked parts of the lake. This is probably the highest water level I have seen around Fishtrap Creek in the nine years I have lived here.

Dan and the boys did a little "off-roading." Joel LOVED it. Biggest smile on his face. Micah was unimpressed. Partly because the spray from the stroller landed on his face. Poor little guy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's crazy. Thanks for the pictures, Amanda. I sure miss this place, rain and cold and all :) Walking in the heat in an urban jungle just doesn't quite cut it!
    Also... I love that you got rid of your pink couch- must feel good! That thing had to go :)
