Thursday, September 25, 2014

One of those days...

You know its going to be "one of those days" when...'re the first in line at Starbucks, waiting for the store to open and you've already been awake for over an hour tell the barista that you want the really big one, with pumpkin, that's cold because you forgot the words, venti pumpkin spice frappacino
...your eldest child's first proclamation of the day is, "Today, I'm going to be disobedient!" and proceeds to follow through with it.
...the only words you hear out of your toddler all morning involve whining, crying and basic gibberish, none of which you understand therefore leading to excessive meltdowns and more tears
...its 10:30am and you've already changed 4 poopy diapers (3 more to follow), all belonging to one child correspond with the excessive poop, there is snot everywhere. All you do is wipe, praying that this will be a mild cold and that it will be gone by the weekend
...naps only last one and a half hours. You would think that after being awake at 4:50AM that they would sleep a little longer.

After naps, things start to look up. I baked pumpkin cinnamon rolls, and prepped the dough for nutella stuffed cookies with the boys. Dan came home earlier than expected. We had a really nice afternoon (minus disobedient child and his stance on obedience today) and the kids were in bed early. (They didn't stay in bed and it took 1.5 hours to get them to calm down enough to go to sleep, but at least they were asleep before 8pm. Plus, they slept in until 6:20am the next morning!)

Thank goodness for coffee!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amanda.... not funny for you but sure made me laugh! Joel announcing he's going to be disobedient is just hilarious. Hang in there, girl. Praying baby #3 is an amazing sleeper and all around angel. And a girl :)
