Sunday, June 9, 2013

Micah's 1st Birthday

We had a BBQ at Mill Lake to celebrate Micah's first birthday.

For dessert, we had cupcakes for the kids,

and berry crisp cooked in mason jars! They were super cute and fun to eat (with ice cream!!!)

Snuggles from the birthday boy

After practising all morning, Micah refused to blow out his birthday candle. We promise he did it in the morning! But at his party, the little guy had stage fright.

The inspection



Guarding his treasured cupcake from Anaya!
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Friday, June 7, 2013

One Year Ago...

This lovely family moved to the Philippines to plant a church.
We have really missed having them down the street from us.
But in just three weeks, we will be moving into their home here in Canada.
We await their visit sometime this summer.
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Year Ago Today...

This gorgeous little boy joined our family.
What a year its been.
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My, how they have grown!


(yes, Asher is wearing the same shirt.)
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Monday, May 20, 2013

Last Saturday Part 2

After our trip to the Othello tunnels in the morning, we quickly changed gears and headed out to Whiterock for some time with my family (mom, Grandma and cousin),

My baby girl! (ahem...boy.) 

I love the way Micah and my G-ma are staring into each others eyes.

Ain't no comfort, like that from your great G-ma

Baby toes are so adorable, don't ya think?!

My mom, Joel and Dan throwing rocks into the ocean. Big Splash!

Side profile of my grandma. Such a beautiful woman.

beautiful blue eyes

Walking with Grandma

gotta love the finger up my nose

hair in the face, trying to blow it away

Micah likes to lurch forward and grab onto things in his reach. This time he caught G-ma by the hairs on her head.

Fun on the bench

Me with Crazy Cousin Christina (aka C3-PO)
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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Last Saturday

Alternate titles include: Othello Tunnels or The Time Joel pooped in the park

We went with friends to the Othello Tunnels in Hope. Unfortunately they were closed due to rock fall hazard. But that didn't deter us from having a good time anyway.

Chris, Katrina and Asher came with us. Love the pictures of the dads with their sons.

Exploring a rock "cave."

Julia and Iben also joined us.

A little hike

Micah didn't like being left on the ground

I can't believe we live in such a beautiful place.

Family picture!

Katrina looks so great pregnant! Just four more weeks to go!

Group shot!

Love the look on Iben's classic!
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Thursday, May 16, 2013


I love the glowing head in this picture

Close up of his snack. Yummy dirt!

Wait! What? I only get dirt? Noooo!!!!

Posing in the grass
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Planting a Garden

Joel was really into planting the seeds. He had a great time placing seeds into the holes or burying the seed tape.

Micah enjoyed eating the dirt.

He couldn't get enough of it!
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