Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Salmon Release

This past Saturday, we went to the Nikolmekl River to help release the baby salmon into the river.

Joel thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience

I mean, what kid doesn't like live animals and water?

Micah LOVED touching the fish

And even though it was raining, Dan and I enjoyed ourselves as well

Look Ma! Cute little fishys!

Get your hand out of the bucket buddy!

Releasing the fish into the river

Carrying the buckets back up to the tank to get more salmon

Enjoying hotdogs after the release

Bye Bye Salmon!
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Enjoying the weather

Sitting at the fountain, with our toes in the water

Big Brother holding on to little brother so that he doesn't fall in the water

Chasing geese


Hanging out in trees

Eating the cherry blossoms
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Monday, April 29, 2013

Fountain Fun


"Look at Mommy!"
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

What we've been up TWO

Enjoying the flowers

Spending time at the fountain

Hanging out with friends
(Micah, Iben, Joel)

Watching the cherry blossoms bloom and fall like snow

Enjoying the baby ducks grow

Climbing and playing at the park
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

What we've been up to

We've been budgeting, praying, communicating and dreaming about this house. In July, it will be our new home! Anybody recognize the house? It belongs to our good friends, the Barkmans! We will be residing in it while they are in the Philippines. We are super excited about having more space, our own laundry room and a canning room!

The thought of moving has gotten us in to a cleaning and organizing mode (yes, Dan too). We don't want to move anything that is unnecessary. Somehow in living here for four years we have accumulated a few too many things and certain things over time have been rendered useless to us. Yes, we have two months to pack, but with two little ones it can take a while. We've already organized the boys clothes and donated the excess to friends. CD's, books and games have also been on the chopping block. Paperwork is half done and the rest shredded. We still have so much to do in the next two months, but we look forward to a new season of our lives.

We are grateful to the Barkmans for renting their home to us. We can't wait to have you over in August for dinner at your our home. Welcome to the McBarkmans!
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Get Crackin'

Joel's culinary skills have ramped up to the next level.

At two years of age, Dan taught our little boy how to crack eggs.

Gently tap on the edge of the bowl, stick your thumb into the crack, push and pull apart.

His first cracked egg!

Every morning he asks to make eggs, sausage and hash browns. We usually give in with the eggs and he loves to make them. His favorite to make is scrambled eggs, since he gets to stir (hash-eesh) fast.
We've definitely got a culinary master on our hands!
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Monday, April 15, 2013

Adhesive Duck Deficiency

Or rather, the adhesive duck debacle.
For those of you who are fans of the show, The Big Bang Theory, you'll recall the episode where Penny slips in the tub, dislocating her shoulder and Sheldon has to drive her to the hospital. While filling out the paperwork, the question is raised, "How did the accident occur?" Sheldon writes, "lack of adhesive ducks."  Basically, Sheldon has adhesive ducks on the bottom of his tub to prevent slipping.

We've had issues with Micah slipping in the tub. His cute little bottom is just too slippery for our tub and quite often he would slip under the water, instead of staying seated. So, we invested in our "adhesive duck." A little blue bathmat from Ikea. It works great for Micah--no more slipping. His bum stays firmly in place during baths.

But unfortunately, it does not stick well to the bottom of the tub. Needless to say, as I step into the tub, the mat slips and I've gotten a lovely bruise to show for it. (I must insert here that I am happy that its only a bruise and not something a broken neck).   Sadly this has happened more than once, and to Dan as well.

So how did the injury occur? The Adhesive Duck!

The little suction cups on the bottom seem to be defective and refuse to stick to the bottom of our tub. We've subsequently returned the bathmat and luckily for us, Micah is "big" enough to stop slipping in the tub. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Evolution of a Name

Micah Samuel McCrimmon

10 months have passed since you joined our family.

We can't believe how much you have changed.

When you were born, you were Micah to us. Miiiiikeey to Joel!

But as time has progressed, so has your name. Yes, we still call you Micah. But Joel's rendition of your name has changed considerably.

You started as Mikey (just draw out the I and E) to Joel.

Then sadly, you went unnamed for many, many months.

Joel eventually picked up on my nickname for you, Micah Moo Moo. And thus, you became Moo Moo.

Sometimes shortened to Moo, but never, ever Micah.

A few weeks ago, your name transitioned to Maht-cha!

It didn't last long, but was definitely cute!

But on the day your turned ten months old, Joel transitioned you to the name you were born with: Micah. It was a glorious day to hear Joel call you by your real name. But sad at the same time. I loved hearing all the different renditions of your name. I loved that he called you Moo Moo. Maht-Cha was definitely the sweetest name and I could listen to Joel say it all day long. But now, you are Micah. The name you were born with. I'm sure the evolution will continue. He's already copying me and calling you Micah Moo Moo. What else will Joel come up with?
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