Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Gatherings

Family Christmas at my brother's house. Micah playing with his new top (and his new friend!)

The "Christmas morning" in our new pj's picture

Micah got a new cup and maraca in his stocking. He was THRILLED. It took a lot of energy to get him to move on to something else. He just wanted to make music!

Reading new stories from Papa, Grammy and Uncle Eli

My newest little worker...

...times two!
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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Tree

One activity we had this year was to cut down our own tree at a tree farm.
Normally, we would go the grocery store, cut down the tree and WALK the tree home.
This year, it became too much for us. Plus, it was during that really COLD snap that we had "scheduled" to get our tree. So, we went to the tree farm instead.

Dan conquers the tree!

Joel putting the star on the tree.
"So the wise men can find the baby JEEESUS!!!!"

My newest favorite picture.

I was trying to get a nice picture of the boys in front of the tree. They kept running all over. Insert basket. It kept them contained (for a few moments) and I got those precious smiles captured.

Family photo
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas Decorations

Joel's new ornament this year. The letter J. He's all into letters and found it in the store. That's a J for Joel mommy!

Salt dough ornament. One of the boys footprints. (This was MY activity)

A little bit of my heritage on the tree.

Christmas morning.


Nativity set.
Dan and I bought this on our honeymoon. I love it. Handcrafted and still smells like cedar.

The boys set. The boys enjoyed playing with it and reenacting the Christmas story. It was always thrown around the house. We would find random pieces everywhere. In fact, about three days after we "put away Christmas" we found that long lost wise man. Apparently, he was following the wrong star.

Christmas (and birthday) card display

Oh the nutcracker invasion. Dan has a fairly large collection. Dan loves nutcrackers. And I love Dan. Therefore, I love nutcrackers.
Below the nutcrackers, is our activity advent calendar. We would flip the number over and find out what our activity would be for the day.

More nutcrackers

The stars in the window and the advent trees full of treats below.
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Friday, January 3, 2014

Advent Activities

Joel was at the perfect age this year to start doing activities for Advent. I printed off a simple numbered advent off the Internet. Most were simple activities, like reading a Christmas story or colouring a Christmas picture. Some were a little more labour intensive, like decorating cookies. Joel and Micah both enjoyed the activities and looked forward to seeing what they were going to do that day.

Joel LOVED decorating cookies. And eating them. Mostly eating them.

Micah liked the eating part. He was sad that I said he couldn't eat anymore cookies.

One day we made salt dough ornaments and painted them. Joel really got into it. They made for great presents for the grandparents. Plus, they are a cool addition to our tree.

Micah only painted two ornaments. And his head. Two hands. The newspaper. The chair. And anything else in his two foot radius.

Father Christmas visited for Sinterklaas on December 5th, the Dutch version of Christmas. You set out your shoe the night before and the next morning it is filled with treats. The kids thought it was great since they got to have sprinkle toast for breakfast (another Dutch tradition).
*Side note: It was here that I realized how ridiculous the concept of Santa is. I tried to explain the whole chimney, sleigh, present thing. It was stupid. We don't necessarily want the boys to believe in Santa, but we want them to be informed about what others believe. Joel understands a lot. He did NOT understand Santa. The only thing he can do is point out who Santa is, thanks to the lovely displays down the street. But he couldn't tell you anything about that story if he tried.
Sadly, it was also this evening that I realized how difficult the story of Jesus' birth is to grasp as well. It is also ridiculous. But somehow Joel got attached to Jesus' story. Slowly, as we explained it over and over again, it became less ridiculous and more believable. He can retell the story if he needs to and re-enacts it with his nativity figurines.

A nice addition to our tree is the hand painted ornaments the boys made this year.

A fun "Christmas" experiment. Okay. It has nothing to do with Christmas. The only thing that would make it remotely Christmas, was the green food colouring, which I couldn't find and replaced with blue. The boys had fun scooping out the foam, made from peroxide and yeast (and a few other things).

The traditional paper chain. This thing was HUGE. But only about one foot made it on our tree. I rescued it from amidst the broken pieces the boys had fun destroying as they chased one another around the house. My type A personality had to repeat constantly that this is about the boys having fun, not about having a perfect craft. For some reason this particular morning, it took all of my effort to allow them to play. I'm still glad that I rescued that one foot section. It was my little piece of compromise with the boys. I got my "craft," and they got to have fun.

Special candy cane shaped treats. Apples and craisins!

Hot cocoa after a walk in the snow.

Christmas trees and toilet tube angels, made with a friend.

Having dinner by candlelight (and Christmas lights).

Lessons from Advent:
1. Half an hour is PLENTY of time to do some sort of activity. It doesn't take long. The kids are really only interested for a few minutes, so within the half hour there is time for set up, the activity and clean up. I have found myself not wasting those thirty minutes or so we have before we need to leave for an appointment. I did an activity instead. A much better use of my time than previous to advent. I hope to keep up with some preschool type activities in the future.

2. Confession. I fell off the advent activity bandwagon around Joel's birthday (the 14th). It wasn't something that I felt like I had time for during the busyness of the season. I promised myself at the beginning of the month to show myself Grace. This was about having fun with the boys, not getting upset about something not happening. I vowed that I would only do an activity if I could have fun as well. I didn't want to let them paint only to yell at them for getting it everywhere. If I wasn't going to be nice, I wasn't going to do the activity (it was about creating good memories, not memories where their mom yelled at them). I wanted my priorities to be straight. Needless to say, around the 14th, it became too much to keep up with. But, in those remaining days until Christmas, we still did an activity a day. They weren't the crafts or activities I had planned, but we still did an activity. One day, we went shopping instead. One day, they had a hot cocoa, rather than doing an elaborate craft. A candlelit dinner, rather than a particular outing. A drive to see the lights as opposed to that days planned activity. The boys had fun and so did we.

3. We were given an advent set from a lady at Church (thanks Joan). I filled that with candy (one day at a time. Those boys are smart and would open every box in one sitting). By about half way through the month, I was so tired of the boys eating candy, I tried to shove a baby orange in one of the boxes. It was too big, and I didn't want to peel that nasty thing, so we "neglected" the boxes for a few days. The boys didn't seem to mind and I got a little piece of mind.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience. I look forward to doing it again next year and having Micah participate a little bit more (he was a bit to little this year).
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Van to Foot Ratio=BAD!

These pictures don't even do Joel's foot justice. Plus, its been 3 days since it happened. Healing has taken place.

So how did this happen? Enter the most guilt ridden mom who caused said accident. We had been out all day and got home at dinner time with two very exhausted and un-napped children. Meltdowns were ensuing. Joel had kicked his shoes off in the van and since it was raining, I decided to carry him in.

I had my arms full of the days events, picked up Joel and yanked the door shut. Only, the door didn't shut. It popped back open. Then I heard that sound. The sound that sends chills up your spine. That blood curdling scream. You know the one that screeches pain. I had accidentally slammed the door on Joel's foot.

We spend the next hour or so consoling an overtired, extremely hungry and hurt little boy. It was difficult to determine the extent of his injuries due to the hunger and tiredness. But once we got a few raisins (the only thing he would eat) into him, the tears eventually subsided. We iced it on and off in four minute increments (the longest our little guy would allow the ice to remain on his foot. Thank goodness for timers). We eventually determined that it was not broken, just extremely swollen and bruised. We had been worried for a little while since the tears were so huge and he wouldn't even allow the bag of peas to rest on it since it hurt too much (or maybe he was hungry OR tired). Who knows? After an hour or so, he finally was able to wiggle his toes and put weight on it. He slept well that night and woke up like nothing had happened.

The guilt? That's staying. Especially when he asks why I slammed the door on his foot. It was an accident!!!! Why doesn't he know the meaning of that word?

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Joel's Birthday

Last week, we celebrated Joel's 3rd birthday. We decided to host a breakfast party, since his birthday is so close to Christmas and we figured that an afternoon/evening party would be difficult as many people have parties to go to or shopping to do.

Joel invited all his little friends (that lived near by).

We enjoyed a pancake breakfast, yogurt and fruit, wieners and beans, complete with sausage AND bacon (as per his request).

Of course, a birthday isn't complete without cake. Joel requested a digger cake, and that's what he got!

He was quite impressed with it and still talks about it.

He loves playing with the diggers.

Anaya "helping" Joel eat his cake!
All in all, it was a wonderful morning celebrating Joel's birthday.
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