Monday, July 30, 2012


Some days you feel like Supermom! Plowing through laundry in a single bound. Emptying the dishwasher in less time than it takes to reheat Chef Boyardee. Wiping bums and faces, faster than the kids can dirty them (okay, not quite).

There are some days that you feel pretty good about what you can accomplish in a day. You feel like Supermom! You're organized and you get more things done in a day than should be humanly possible. And then there are other days that you are counting down the minutes until nap time, just because you need a few seconds to yourself. The stress of raising children has gotten to you.

Right now, I'm sitting at Starbucks having some mom time. No wait...personal time. Away from the kids. Away from the house. I'm taking a break. Doing something for myself. Its not like today was particularly hard. But I feel like the weeks have added up and I'm tired. I just need a break. Some time where I can go to the bathroom without a child taking a peek at my every move. Some time away from the child who sucks the life out of me while the other one climbs all over me. Some time away from the laundry, the dishes, cooking and cleaning. Some time with a nice smoothie, a lovely cheesecake (from After thoughts) and live music. I can finally hear myself think. Its been nice to get some thoughts out on paper.

Most days I feel like Supermom. Some days I feel super cranky and like one more incident will result in my temper being lost and the children's lives being at stake. (I mean who doesn't really want to run away at one time or another? Or want to just throw them out the window? Not that I ever would, you just feel like you might.)

But part of being a good mom is realizing when you need some time away from the kids to refresh yourself. Its taking time to sit down (without a nursing child in your arms). Enjoying a drink, without having to share or mop up a mess. Its nice. I needed this. The only thing that could make it better? Turning it into a girls night out. But since the girls are in short supply at the moment, a night out on my own will have to do. (I guess a date night would be nice as well).

Being a supermom is hard work. And we all need to be able to take off the mom mask and be ourselves for a while, sans kids. Just another lesson I'm learning as time goes on. That and delegating. Just ask Dan who is at home with the kids and a list of things to do. What a nice change. Puts a smile on this teary face! Today we cry, tomorrow, its back to being a SUPERMOM!


  1. I'm glad you had some time away! I wish I could have joined you:(

  2. Hang in there. It does eventually end and when you look back, it's mostly positive!
