Isn't it enough to just have a baby? But then the crazy hormones continue to go nuts for months afterwards?
One day your skin is drier than a desert, the next your skin is greaser than the Alberta Oil Sands and bumpier than the Rocky Mountains.
Your hair is frizzy one day and dry and limpy the next. Oh yah, and it falls out in clumps. You can tie your hair back and still find full strands in your food, in your kids hands, and all over the floor. Its frustrating!
Plus, now its been 3 months since giving birth and you feel like your should have a little glimpse of your old body back. But Nooooo! It wants to hold onto the fat like its going outta style. It wants to wait until you're done breastfeeding to let go. And that could take a year or more! And you know that you should give yourself a break, but you just want your body back. Yah, sharing your body with a little milk sucking leach isn't great either. When can I have my body back? When do I get to be ME again?
And you know what the best part is? Every six weeks I have to go and get poked by the blood donor people who want to make sure my thyroid levels have returned to normal. Do you know that thyroid levels are affected by hormones? It took me 8 months to finally level out after Joel. Yippee!
Oh how I love being post partum! The best part is that I have a lovely son and crazed hormones!