Friday, September 7, 2012

A Revelation

Do you know what we miss the most about our friends being half way around the world?
No, its not their smiling faces (sorry)
           It's not their cute kids (pictures/email stories make up for this)
                      Or the deep thought provoking conversations we used to have (and still do via skype)

Its the fact that my grand scheme to make everyone in the world fatter than me is being thwarting by their disappearance. I can no longer call them at a moments notice to feed them dinner. I can no longer make an entire chicken and know there won't be any leftovers. I can no longer make them my Guinea pigs and make them try out a new recipe. They are too far away to feed. And that makes me sad.

                                                       ......anyone wanna come for dinner? We're having chicken.


  1. Jordan and I are going to be at Emmanuel on the 23rd!

  2. oh my. make me cry... I SOOO wish we could come for chicken. I need to be fed by you. we go out for dinner a lot (its so cheap) but I almost always leave the restaurant a little disappointed- for some reason it's never as good as I wanted it to be, always a little different. And your food.... well, it's always just perfect.
    missing you guys:(
