Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today is one of THOSE days

I love my boys.  They are absolutely wonderful. But sometimes, there are tough days. Today is one of those days.
It all started when Joel fell in his bed while playing this morning. He's got a nice black eye.
We had an uneventful trip to Neufeld farms (thankfully).
Followed by a trip to GranGrans and a mini meltdown. Joel did NOT want to be there. So we went home.
Surround sound in the car as both boys cried. Micah was simply hungry, Joel tired.
So we got home and I put Joel to bed. Fed Micah and put him to bed.
Then I went to eat lunch. Apparently, the pear crisp (which smelled like pear wine) has gone bad. Discover this AFTER eating half of it. Promptly puke some of it up. Live with upset stomach the rest of the afternoon.
Joel is not sleeping. In fact, he is crying. A LOT. Let him out to eat lunch instead. Put him back to bed (he went willingly).  An hour later, he is still talking away, on and off crying. Finally let him out. He is now sitting on my lap, having mini fits cuz he's so tired. Micah woke up and is sitting in his chair whining. He wants to eat, but if I put Joel down it'll be epic meltdown time. So, PVR Ellen is on, both boys crying. And its only 1:30.

                                                          Send help. And bring coffee.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear Amanda- so sorry to hear of such a rough day. how did the rest of the day go? i hope it got better fast! praying for you, friend.
