Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cravings and Aversions

* a little bit of a record for myself for memories sake

The Cravings:
Blueberries and cream (the ultimate craving. But I held off until blueberries were in season to fulfill it. Plus, I didn't want to ruin blueberries for a lifetime by puking them up!)

Blueberries (frozen. Rationed down to the last blueberry of last years season to perfectly sync up with this years season. Or in Tim Hortons muffins. Not homemade, only Tim Hortons. I've been known to drive to three separate Tim Hortons in search for said muffin, dry heaving or puking in the parking lots of those who "ran out." And the poor lady that offered me a fruit bran muffin instead....oh boy! Let's just say, I'm sorry and move on.)

Gouda on toast (thanks to Maria for fulfilling this one for me. Alas, it turned quickly into the aversions. Dang inability to keep anything down! Dan was excited though!)

Fresh summer fruit (for some reason, I think of July as the beginning of summer fruit...peaches, nectarines, plums. But those are more August. I was definitely disappointed to not have summer fruit in abundance. Can't wait to get my hands on them!)

Bananas (ever since my pregnancy with Micah (or Joel?) these have been gross, but I can handle them no problem. This pregnancy? Can't stand to even be around them! Unfortunately, the boys love them and suddenly took to throwing banana peels around the house. Super gross! Just the smell alone can send me over the edge...let alone having to touch one or clean up goo from one!)

Cucumbers (sickening! Still haven't been able to add them back into my diet. I've picked through salads and thrown out flavoured water to avoid them. Can't believe how disgusted I am by them)

Chocolate and other sweets (this cho-a-holic is in hiding. I've indulged a few times in sweet things, but often feel nauseous afterwards. Not normally a puking food, but I've also not indulged to avoid puking up deliciousness)

Peanut Butter (the smell is gross. Still to this day, I can't handle the smell. Of course the boys are on a peanut butter sandwich kick right now. Once, I accidentally licked my finger after preparing a sandwich and dry heaved over it.)

Crackers (don't matter the kind or flavour, I'm over you! So tired of eating you to "settle the stomach." You're gross. I'm not necessarily avoiding you, I'm just sick and tired of eating you.)

Water (for the first 5-7 weeks, I could barely drink a cup a day. And for a large water drinker like myself, that was unusual. I drank a lot of juice...and puked a lot of juice. But finally my need to drink water came back and I'm guzzling it up like a fish!)

Worst thing I puked (this time around): Upside down pizza. Oh the burn! Tomato sauce is the worst! It will be a long time (if ever) before I eat that again. Just looking at a container of leftovers in the freezer (and writing this) makes me want to hurl. Blech!

In those 8-10 LONG weeks of nauseausness, I have learnt to eat every 1.5-2 hours. Do you know what its like to eat that often when NOTHING tastes/looks good? Its awful. And when you see that food again in a matter of minutes? Gross. Just remember to take small bites. It comes back out easier that way.

I'm glad that the nauseausness has subsided. I'm gaining my energy back slowly. (I can actually make it all the way around Fishtrap without huffing and puffing and needing a nap to recover!)

I am grateful for the blessing of this baby. But I was definitely over the "blessing" of nausea. Now that the nausea is over, I can look forward to the jabs and kicks of this little one.

1 comment:

  1. i was craving poutine the other night, so i made it at home... dan asked if it was as good as rockos... of course not! do you think they would overnight me some?

    miss that place and the friends that introduced us to it
