Monday, August 18, 2014

Lessons and Reflections from Seaside, Oregon

1. Dan and I are water snobs. Yep, its true. We have some of the best water in North America. So when we end up in another city, we really and truly miss water from our homeland. There is something about chlorinated water that makes us want to vomit....or at least drink less of it. When we found a roadside natural water spring, we dumped out our chlorinated water in favor of something a little more pure. It still wasn't the greatest tasting water, but it was much better than what we were drinking.

2. When people ask me what the best part of my vacation was, it wasn't anything we did. It was what I didn't do. For two whole weeks, I didn't change a poopy diaper (I think I only changed two diapers the whole entire time). For me, THAT was my vacation. A vacation from the every day, mundane tasks that fill my day. The other thing that filled my soul with joy? Not having to change the toilet paper roll. Being the only woman, and the one who uses the majority of toilet paper in the house (thank you pregnancy for upping the daily quota), this was a welcome break. Sometimes its the little things that make the biggest difference. Yes, I did enjoy the beach and all the fun we had, but those two things made me genuinely happy!

3. I hate city driving. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I am not a city person. One way streets, heavy traffic, stop and go, no parking....those are the things that make me nutty. A lot of people we know love Portland. I, on the other hand, didn't have the greatest experience. I don't enjoy trying to find my way in heavy traffic. Or having to drive twelve city blocks out of my way, to make the left hand turn that I couldn't make twelve streets ago, to right myself back into the correct direction of travel, so that I could go ONE city block further to our destination to pick up the husband I had dropped off since there was absolutely no parking for BLOCKS!!! P.S. I ended up taking a few rights instead, since the "no lefts" went on and on. And all of this could have been avoided if the parking lot wasn't a one way only! But the upside? Those donuts (VooDoo Donuts) were well worth it?! Needless to say, not a city girl! But I already knew that since I'm not a fan of Vancouver traffic either.

4. Fourteen days is too long of a vacation for me. Seven is too short. Ten leaves me wanting a little more. Probably 10-12 days is the ideal length for me. But ask me again when the kids are older and I'm not preggo. This may change!

5. Staying in a vacation rental house is perfect. Having my own laundry (and coming home with clean clothes) is ideal. Cooking our own meals saves a ton of money and rids the kids of the chicken strip/french fry meal overload. Our best idea: bringing our crockpot. We were able to prep a meal during nap time, set it and head out to the beach. When we got home, dinner was ready! This saved us from having to come home early to make dinner or having grouchy children while we prepped it. The second best luxury item we brought? Our handheld shower head.  Best decision ever! It heightened the shower so Dan and I didn't have to crane ourselves in awkward positions to rinse out shampoo, as well as allowed us to shower the kid's feet off without having to soak them with the shower or explain why we aren't having a bath yet again! So luxurious and wonderful! Like I said before, sometimes its the simple things that bring us joy!

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