Monday, July 12, 2010

Highland Games Part 1

A few weeks ago, we went to the BC Highland Games in Coquitlam. We got to see all the Heavy Games, which includes the caber toss, sheaf toss, hammer toss and the weight-over-hand. We listened to bagpipe music and watched the dancing competitions. We also looked through the various vendors and saw lots of kilts. Perhaps the highlight of the day was feeling the baby go crazy and kick the living daylight out of me every time the bagpipes went by. Dan says the baby loves bagpipe music and was dancing. Amanda says the baby was punching and screaming in protest, "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

Dan participated in the haggis hunting that we got in our brochure. You collected 6 stamps from various vendors before taking it to the information center to collect your official seal as a haggis hunter. Really it was nothing more than a cheap gold sticker, but it was worth the laugh. Along the way, Amanda fell in love with the little haggis impersonations that informed you that a stamp was available. She tried many times unsuccessfully to make off with the little haggis animal. She ended up getting caught every time, once by the haggis wrangler who was in charge of the haggis hunt that day.
This is the caber toss. Better known as throwing the telephone pole! And throw he does! The goal is to get the pole to flip end over end in the straightest line possible. Not so easy, when many men could barely get the pole off the ground.
A picture is worth a thousand words. This one may get a few more than that.
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Highland Games Part 2

Dan sports his latest line of crazy hats....its all the rage!
This is one of my favorite pictures from the day.
Some random sword fighting.
Our baby's newest item of clothing. A KILT! Can you imagine a baby wearing nothing but a kilt??? Maybe we'll get some Dutch shoes to finish off the child's heritage photo. We couldn't resist this splurge item!
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

I finally broke him!

We have this man that walks regularly in our neighbourhood and all around town. Dan and I have nicknamed him "The Man with No shoes" since during the summer he walks barefoot all over town. You probably recognize him since he usually wears an army colour jacket, carries a cup from any sort of fast food restaurant in the area and looks homeless (although his home is on our street.) For almost a year, I have walked by him and cheerfully said hi. I have never gotten a response. One time, he was even bleeding from his head and I tried to help him, but he just kept walking. About a month ago, I made it my goal to "break him." I wanted him to say hi in return or at least raise his head to acknowledge that someone was greeting him. I told Dan of my goal and he wished me luck. The next time I saw the man, I said hi and guess what? He said hi back! It was awesome! Dan commented to me that it didn't take me long to accomplish my goal. Hey! It took a good year, but you only knew about it for a week. From that greeting onward, I seem to get a response about 90% of the time. I do believe that there is something (whether mental illness or drug addiction or whatever) that keeps him from responding all the time. But I am happy to get my greeting! Maybe I'll move on to getting a real name!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why do they do that?

While out for our walk along the river on Sat. evening I (Dan) had to use the facilities... or at least I tried. When I finally found an outhouse it was boarded up! Really, what IS the point in that? I thought that the purpose of outhouses was to keep folks from using the world at large as a toilet, but this doesn't seem to cross the minds to whoever runs the park.

And this is the damage that I got for trying to go in the bush. A big stick in the foot for my trouble and all this so I wouldn't get a charge of public indecency for peeing just anywhere along the trail. Not fair I tell you, not fair at all.
And for those of you who know me well, you may be asking why I didn't try and pee on the door out of frustration...well, there were too many people on the trail for me to try it-otherwise it would have felt my wrath poured out upon it!!!
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I love this town!

Wake up and smell the cow poo! This town is awesome! Where else can you wake up and get this view? I love Mt. Baker in the background, crystal clear!
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Fraser River Walk

After dinner, we went for a walk down by the Fraser River. Dan threw stones into the river. (perhaps he didn't have enough fishing earlier and was trying to catch himself a sturgeon.)
Amy sits on a rock, playing with grass. I just like this photo. So relaxed!
Fareedah poses in front of the Mission Bridge.

Our entire group by the river. We sure had a relaxing and enjoyable day. (minus the part where we walked near the sewage treatment plant. Are they trying to kill the pregnant woman?)
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Our Fish Dinner

Fareedah BBQ's our fish!
We had one cedar plank trout, one brown sugar trout and one lemon and herb trout. All were tasty.
Serve the fish with a bit of wild rice, salad and garlicked asparagus.....delicious!
Can't get enough of it!
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Dan and Dan cleaning fish

Dan cleans the fish and does a demonstration on how its done. (Don't worry dad, I taught him everything he knows!)
Dan tries his hand at cleaning a fish.
He seems to enjoy it...
...perhaps a little too much!
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Fareedah's First Fish Cleaning Experience

I love Fareedah's face as she cleans her fish. She doesn't seem impressed by it all. Who can blame her though? She went from not wanting to hurt the fish in the early afternoon to gutting it later that same day.
Chopping off its head was not her favorite task.
Her finished fish, gutted and ready for the BBQ!
I just love how sad Fareedah is and how Dan is laughing in the background. One of my favorite shots!
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Nothing brings a caregroup closer.....

...than murder! Good old fashioned murdering Mennonites we are! So much for peaceful living! Okay, reality check. We killed four unsuspecting rainbow trout from Silverbrook U-Catch. Boy, were they tasty!
Apparently Dan and Amy, our lovely American friends thought they would fish from the fishing tree. They didn't catch many fish. Just a few splinters and branches. We had to inform them that fishing involves water!
Fareedah and Amy get up close and personal with a fish. Fareedah took quite a liking to the fish that she kissed him hoping that he would turn into a prince. All she got was fishy smelling lips.
Here is our care group after a fun day of fishing. We caught four fish and enjoyed them for dinner later that evening.
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