Friday, July 17, 2009

Are Smokers ruining the World?

Or is it just our Starbucks experience? They seem to be everywhere lately. Smoking their 10 feet from the doors, but still within breathing distance. Establishments have it planned just right for them, so that the smokers can sit outside and take up all the fresh air. I cannot count how many times we've wanted to sit outside and have had to move indoors due to the smell. Amanda is allergic to the smoke, and her lungs close up if she is within breathing distance. This proves to ruin many evening dates, as we have to move indoors to the air conditioning (which isn't as nice as sitting outside on a balmy evening, plus the AC hurts Amanda's back after a while). We can only wait for the day when smoking is outlawed in any public place. What a glorious day that will be! We would be able to sit outside and enjoy the evening air! We must note that we are not haters of smokers. We realize that it is their right to pollute their bodies with thousands of toxins, but what happened to our right for clean air? They choose those toxins, I didn't. In fact, they pay to ingest those toxins. And we do our utmost to avoid it at all costs, but it seems unavoidable. How much should we pay for clean air? Why should we be forced to inhale these toxins? It seems unfair that you're willing to commit mass murder. (okay, that might seem a little harsh, but how many people have died from second hand smoke? Or have gotten cancer because of your cancer sticks?) We just wish we had the right to breathe clean air in public places. 10 feet doesn't cut it. I want to be able to sit outside of Starbucks and enjoy my coffee without inhaling your costly fumes.

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