Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Meet Adventure and Disaster

aka Amanda and Daniel.
Yep, that's right. Adventure and Disaster. It only takes a road trip with us to realize that those names really, truly do apply (just ask Jocelyn, Dan's family, Amanda's mom....the list goes on). People have regularly commented on the fact that adventure seems to follow me(Amanda) or that nothing exciting ever happened to them until they met me. Perhaps the common denominator is me! And now that I married Disaster, its been an even better adventure. There are always stories of things happening; like the defrizzer bottle and the toilet, food poisoning on the Lacombe AB trip, cars breaking down a few miles from home....the list goes on. Its great to know that an adventure is always around the corner. Sometimes that can be a bit foreboding as some of these (or most of these) disasters are quite expensive to fix. But needless to say, adventure and disaster are just around the corner. I love this life! I love the stories! I love the memories! The bills...not so much. I can only wait in expectation for what will happen on our road trip to Smithers-hopefully we make it out alive and in one piece (or three pieces: Dan, Amanda and Mom)!
I guess that's why the lesson that "Life is about the journey, not the destination" is so important, and quite often my mantra! But really and truly, I love the journey. It provides hours of entertainment and many laughs (usually months later) about the adventures and disasters we face.
Meet Amanda (adventure) and Dan (Disaster)! Hope you're ready for the ride of your life!

P.S. Dan just called. He fell off his bike and has two horribly swollen fingers. See! Disaster and Adventure are just around the corner! (Hopefully they aren't broken!)

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