Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some things are best left in the past

We all have those favorite childhood memories, you know playing in the park, eating a favorite meal, general tomfoolery and those things that just made you a kid. This month, we decided to relive some of those favorite meals, inspired mostly by Amanda's cravings (although only one meal was actually eaten by her as a child).
Meal #1: Flipper on a raft (aka homemade Tuna Helper on bread). For those of you who are wondering what this culinary delight might be, its basically homemade white sauce with tuna thrown in, spread over sliced bread and topped with cheese. Mmmmm! Or not. This was a favorite of Amanda's mother growing up, and sometimes was placed over cooked Mr. Noodles (dubbed Flipper in seaweed). Sounds great in theory, however when it came to actually consuming said meal, neither one of us thought too highly of the recipe. Dan detested it so much, he actually called Amanda's mother and proceeded to inquire where the recipe came from and why she would actually serve this to a child. I do believe I overheard the words "medieval torture devise" within the conversation.
Meal #2: Mac N Cheese...Whiz. (Dan's favorite growing up). Okay, seriously, Mac N Cheese Whiz is not good. Especially since Dan seems to think that mixing cheese whiz with milk somehow makes it better. Well, it doesn't. Traditionally Dan served this meal with a breaded chicken patty (we left it out) or with hot dogs (which may have added some much needed flavour).
The point of all this has been to show that some childhood memories are best left in the past. Especially the childhood culinary ones. When its got a name like Flipper on a raft or a main ingredient like cheese whiz, you should back away quickly. Do not make such meal. Nostalgia is not worth all the dry heaves and nauseousness, or questions like "Why did I just do this to myself?" Some things are just best to leave in the past.

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