Saturday, August 4, 2012


When Joel was born, and for the next 16 months or so, I often felt like I only prayed about sleep.
"Dear God, make him sleep."
"Please God, just two consecutive hours before he feeds again."
"Please let this feeding take less than an hour. I just need to sleep"
"Please let me sleep. I'm so tired."
Now that our sleep patterns are more or less under control, I feel like I finally have time and energy to pray about more than just sleep. Joel is finally sleeping through the night, for the most part. Micah only wakes up once or twice to feed and is super quick (less than 20 minutes). So I finally feel like I have the energy and brain power to pray about something other than sleep.
Needless to say, during one of those 3am feeding/praying sessions, God brought to mind a prayer map. We have a lot of friends doing mission work around the world right now and I thought it might be nice to know where they are. Partly because my geography isn't that great and partly to be able to show Joel where Cody is living.
The map serves as a good reminder to pray for those all around the world, near and far. We have friends serving in Papua, Philippines, South Korea, Jordan, USA and Canada. Some are doing formal missions and others are extending hospitality to those around them. Some are working with MCC, some making music and others teaching English. Still others are serving their families through the daily ins and outs of life. Its a smorgasbord of service.
(Please do not be offended if your picture is not up on our wall. We might not have a picture of you and your family yet!!! Email me one please and you'll go up on the wall.)
It is great to see what God is up to all around the world. To see where God has called his children to serve. To see the giftings that he has given each one of us and see us using them for his glory. Each family is different in how they serve and no one more important than another.
I love looking at this wall in progress and seeing how God has brought so many wonderful people into our lives. I love that our role has been to offer hospitality to many of these people while they serve here in Abbotsford. May this wall continue to grow!
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