Friday, August 3, 2012

Random Lessons from a semi-experienced mom

These are some of the random lessons I have learnt over the last 19 months. Have I really learned all these things in this short amount of time? These are things that I think every new mom could benefit from.

#1. Do not use the dry weave pads for postpartum bleeding, especially if you ended up with stitches. Your stitches will get caught in the dry weave, causing much pain. Stick with cotton pads. (thankfully this piece of advice was passed on by our prenatal class and NOT by experience)
#2. If you need a breast pump, use one from Medela or Advent. Do not use one from a company that also makes formula. Because if you think about it, does a formula company want you to succeed at breastfeeding? Not really! They will make a ton more money if you need to buy formula. (also a tidbit from prenatal class!)
#3. Babies make a LOT of noise in their sleep. In fact, they sometimes even let out a little cry. Dan and I have labelled this "munching." They move, rearrange themselves, cry, suck, root and even talk in their sleep. We often think that they are awake, but in reality, they are still sleeping.
#4. A good sleep creates a happy baby. A happy, well rested baby sleeps better. Its a cycle. One late night can create a weeks worth of problems.
#5. Babies like to suck before they go to sleep. Breastfeeding them to sleep is not always the answer, since it can create problems in the long run.
#6. Each child is different. What works for one, may not work for the other. Some sleep well. Others do not. Some are active, others docile. Adapt to each child's individual needs. Be thankful if you've got the child that sleeps.
#7. Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt. But the during the learning curve stage, it may (partly to tell you that you don't have it right yet!). It can take up to six weeks or so to learn to breastfeed properly. Seek help if you need it.  Your milk supply will level out at around 3 months.  If you need milk, seek me out. (haha...not a lesson, but merely an offer!)
#8. Do not kiss your baby's feet after changing their diaper without looking at their feet to ensure the aforementioned substance is cleared from their appendage. Otherwise, you may get more than you bargained for. (hey Matt Kok?!)
#9. Trust your instincts. You know what is right for your baby. If not, ask for help. Or google it.
#10. Shrug off unsolicited advice that you didn't ask for. Intentions are good, but the times have changed. What was recommended by our parents and grandparents generation is not always recommended now. Do what is right for you.
#11. Do what is right for you and your family and this time. That may change as time goes on.  Do not feel guilty by your choice.
#12. Drop the mom guilt. It doesn't do anyone any good. If you feel guilty, change things. If there is nothing to be guilty about, drop it.
#13. The first time your baby sleeps after its born, kick everyone out and get some rest. This sleep that they have (the first one after birth) is the LONGEST sleep you will get for months.  They tend to sleep 5-6 hours. Take advantage of it!

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