Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A (Hell of a) Night in Our Lives

7:00pm: Get boys ready for bed

7:30pm: Micah falls asleep, Joel spends the next half hour getting in and out of bed until he finally falls asleep around 8pm.

8pm: Joel falls asleep

8:15pm: Micah wakes up. Dang that third nap! He's in that transition stage between 2 and 3 naps. Some days he doesn't need it, some days he does. And when he does need it and doesn't get it, he ends up waking up around 8. Yikes! Play with Micah. Feed him. Try put him to bed. He is cranky!

10:30pm: Micah finally goes to sleep. He doesn't want to be put down. I assume that because he's getting another 4 teeth (including a molar) that he is in pain. Tylenol doesn't seem to do much at this point in time. Dan and I crawl into bed as soon as possible.

11:30pm: Micah wakes up screaming. Calm him. Try to feed him (doesn't want to). Rock him to sleep. Try to put him down. Cries. Calm him. Rock him. Sleep. Put down. Pat furiously. Sleeping! That was only half an hour of work!

12:30am: Micah wakes up again! Do the whole calm his cries, attempt to feed, rock to sleep, put down, cries, rock to sleep, put down, pat furiously, cries, calm, rock to sleep, put down, sleep "dance" again.

1:30am: Micah awake. Do the whole "dance" with Micah again. He is just screaming in pain. Try more Tylenol. Try gripe water (his tummy is upset). Farts. Start the dance again. Falls asleep at 2:10am.

2:30am: Screaming Micah. Crying Amanda. Frustrated Dan. Sleeping Joel. Discussion about going to hospital ensues. Can't carry conversation over screams.

3am: Sleep.

3:30am: Crying again. Can't we catch a break?!  Micah sleeps "better" on someone and doesn't want to be put down. Crib=crying. Conversation about who should sleep with Micah on top of them. Amanda can't hold him or she'll get clogged milk ducts and that is PAINFUL! Micah doesn't like Dan. Crib it is. Its now 3:45am.

4:30am: Can you guess? Gee kid! Are you predictable or what?? Micah crying AGAIN! Do the 'get that kid to sleep' dance.

5am: Finally decide that more Tylenol can't hurt. And perhaps a two by four. (kidding!) Finally falls asleep at 5:10am. Longest stretch of sleep yet!

7am: Joel wakes up! Happy as a lark! (perhaps that because he slept the whole night...that's right! My "non-sleeper" slept the whole night!!!!) Dan and I make a deal. I'll sleep till 9am and then get up and get dressed and take the kids to the gym at 10am. At that point Dan can go back to sleep till we get home at noon. Then we both sleep during nap time.

7:10am: Micah wakes up. Feed Micah (finally!!!!) and pump out excess (I was bursting). Amanda sleeps, boys go to living room to play.

8:30am: Micah screaming because he is hungry and tired. Feed him and he falls asleep half way through feed. (so much for sleeping till 9!)

9am: Make doctors appointment for Micah

10am: Take boys to gym. Dan sleeps.

12 noon: Joel to bed. Micah to doctors. Micah has an ear infection. He's got a viral rash due to his cold. He's getting 4 teeth. The perfect storm. Now he is on so many medications that we have a chart on our fridge to keep them all straight. Micah finally falls asleep and sleeps the longest stretch in 24 hours....yep two and half hours! Woo hoo!


  1. Oh dear! That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry, you guys. I can hardly believe Joel slept through all that crying all night! wow. I'm glad you know the reason for his cries now. Cody has yet another skin issue (remember those wart-like things he had last year!?). This time its Impetigo.... it looks awful and is terribly itchy. But he's on antibiotics now and its getting starting to get better. Oh the joys! Love you guys.... keeping you in our prayers.

  2. This, too, shall pass...really...I promise! Our Micah didn't sleep properly until he was about 5. I thought it would never end. Glad Joel slept through!

  3. Poor little guy! I hope he gets better so you can all sleep soon!
