Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Case of the Missing Package

Last August, we sent a care package to the Philippines with some Dippity Do (requested item) and dried fruit in it.

Last week, it was sent back: return to sender! The Barkmans have explained the postal situation to us. A large room with hundreds of packages scattered about. Its a miracle that they have received anything so far! Darnell compares it to having a bomb go off in the mail room! Let's just say that the returned package was NOT in its original condition.

And that whatever animal ate through the package, definitely was particular about what fruit it liked. The strawberries were turned to dust, raspberries were nibbled on, but the blueberries were untouched (as was the Dippity Do for those who were wondering). We also received an added bonus with our returned package. Our fair share of animal droppings! Yummy!

Needless to say, the Dippity Do was sanitized and is awaiting your return to Canada. (You can pick it up at the McBarkmans). The fruit (and droppings) were disposed of.

Case solved!
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  1. oh dear! that's ridiculous! Did it go all the way to the Philippines even? Thanks anyways:)

  2. That package was totally shredded! Droppings?! So gross...
