Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chunky Monkey

Look at those chins! There is so much extra flab, we could make another baby!

This little BIG guy just sucks the fat off of me and puts it on himself. So much cuter on him, that on me.

At 6 weeks postpartum, Joel weighed 10 lbs 7 oz. I think Micah probably already weighs that much. And even with the extra pound he started with, I'm sure that in three weeks, he'll weigh a TON more than Joel every did. I must admit, my arms are getting a bit sore carrying this chunky monkey around. But, he's pretty I don't mind.
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Crazy Days

Its been a bit crazy around here these days.

On Thursday, Micah got his first cold and has been sneezing a lot. His poor nose is stuffed up and its hard for him to breathe, let alone sleep. But he's a trouper and doing fairly well. Unfortunately, he's passed his cold on to the rest of us (or maybe we all had it and passed it on to him. But his immune system is weaker and can't fight off the germs as well).

I survived my first major clogged milk duct that started Wednesday night, right after our Missionary Support Team meeting. It was one of my largest clogs to date. Felt like I had a hot dog sized clog radiating up to my neck for almost 24 hours. Not an ideal situation. I just wanted to pop a pin in my breast to relieve the pressure. Any one who has ever had a clogged duct knows the pain. Probably the most pain I've been in, in about three weeks (when Micah was born). Although this pain is different than labour. With labour, you know its going to end sometime. But with clogged ducts, it could go on for days or weeks with no relief. Luckily, Dan was home to watch the kiddos and I could spend some time resting (yep, midwives orders!).

Today I put Micah in his rocking chair. I picked him up a few minutes later only to find that he was drenched.  I thought he had wet himself through his clothes. Nope. It was not pee. Luckily, it wasn't poop either. He had vomited. Yet, somehow in his creativity, he only had a small spot on the front by his shoulder and the rest ended up on his back. I'm not sure how he does it, but that boy has talent. So, I quickly changed him, bathed him and rushed off to finish the three loads of laundry I was doing.

Later today, after I fed Micah, he puked all over me. I caught the first hurl in a recieving blanket. Although that was quickly saturated and started to drip through. Then came the second and third bout and that just drenched me. All over my skirt, the chair and himself. I can't believe how much came out.

And then the topping on the cake! This evening, just before we were about to put Joel to bed, he ran into the kitchen and fell flat on his face. A solid ten pointer. Then came the blood. No big deal as that is a regular occurance around here. He seems to like biting through his lips, leading to bloody mouth and a fat lip. But as we calmed him down and took a peek through the blood, I noticed his front tooth to not be aligned with his other tooth! It was bent backwards. Yikes! We made a call to Health Line to discuss whether this was a dental emergency, hosptial emergency or nothing at all.  They asked some questions, and we all decided that it wasn't worth sitting in emergency for hours. They suggested that we make a dentist appointment for Tuesday (since its a long weekend) to see if it needs to be repositioned so that it doesn't affect his permanent teeth. What a way to end an evening!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Let the Dehydration Begin!

Since local strawberries are finally in season, its time for dehydrating! Dan's secret passion is to dehydrate fruit for his granola. He finds it quite exciting and fun. My guess is that it has something to do with being able to eat fresh local fruit throughout the entire year. Nothing beats strawberries (or any berry) in your granola. Just wait for raspberries, blueberries and cherries to come into season. I can see his mind reeling with what else he can throw in there. I've already heard peaches and pineapple being tossed out there!
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A Revelation

I can't believe its taken me five years of marriage to figure this out. And the saddest part? I figured it out in a semi-sleep deprived state, two weeks after giving birth to my second child.

I have this routine in the middle of the night when I wake up and Dan's snoring/heavy breathing is annoying me. I turn over and in this order hope that his snoring will end.
#1. Give him a death glare
#2. Gently tell him to stop snoring
#3. (Now completely annoyed) I hiss, STOP IT!

Dan's response (in this order)
#1. Sniff his nose
#2. Gently lift himself up and reposition himself in the exact same spot (and continues snoring)
#3. Tells me, "I'm not snoring"
#4.  Huffs and turns over

Now, I'm wondering if anyone can see a problem with this (other than the fact that it doesn't work)? The problem lies with me. In my initial response to Dan's snoring. I'm giving the death glare to someone whose eyes are shut. He can't see me! I don't know why I haven't figured this out before. And why every night I get more and more annoyed that my death glare doesn't work. Yep! I'm not the smartest tool in the shed. But at least I figured it out before I killed him!

Footnote: Do you know what the worst part of all of this is? After figuring out that he can't see me when I give him the death glare, I still do it! Every night since I have given him the death glare while he snores away. You think I would figure it out or something!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Micah Samuel


Sleeping Beauty

The boys on Father's Day

Deep in Thought

Old Man Hair (aka comb over)

Little Tongue
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Breakfast Thief

Joel already had a big bowl of cheerios. But then, my breakfast just seemed to tempting.

He asked for my plate and I offered it to him. That was my first mistake. He devoured a whole piece of toast and most of the hash browns.

Finally Dan got me my own plate (after he was done laughing). I stole a piece of toast (or what was left of it), the scrambled eggs and a few hash browns. Needless to say, I was still hungry by the end of it and Joel didn't need lunch.
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Lean, Mean, Milking Machine

Its no surprise that Micah gained 6 ounces in only 3 days. I am a lean, mean milking machine. Sometimes I feel more like a cow than a mom. But thanks to some great preparation and a wonderful device, I am a lot happier this time around with my milk production. The "Milkie, Milk Saver" has saved me a lot of frustration. When I had Joel, I would literally use a bottle to catch my extra milk on the opposite side I was feeding. I could get anywhere from 6-12 ounces per feed. It was overabundance at its best. Thankfully, with Micah, I only leak about 2 ounces per feed. That is where the milk saver has "saved" me. I just slip it into my bra on the opposite side and it catches all the extra milk for me. No trying to balance a bottle and constantly spilling it all over me. I can then easily transfer it into bottles and freeze it for later. Every day I freeze 12 ounces! Our freezer is quickly becoming full again. But I'm ready to call the Milk Bank on Monday and offer my milk again. I just have too much for our family and I know that there are those who could benefit from it.  Plus, I had such a great experience the last time around that I would love to do it again. And now that I know my milk is still in abundant supply, I feel confident enough to donate the extra. After all, God gave me enough to feed my family and share with others.
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Sharing is such sweet sorrow

Not exactly thrilled with the concept of sharing, Micah resists Joel's gesture.

Joel continues to push the idea of sharing, right down Micah's throat.

Finally Micah understands that sharing isn't that bad and he embraces the concept.
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Monday, June 11, 2012

Brotherly Love

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Community of Sorrow

"Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of my sickness, into Thy health,
Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thyself,
Jesus, I come to Thee."

Being a part of community isn't always full of joy. Today has been filled with sorrow. A dear friend of ours, who had a baby due around the same time as us, is dealing with unspeakable sadness. Her baby was born via C-section, and whisked away. A week later, her baby passed away. She only got to hold her little baby girl once.

Today we recieved news of her baby's passing. We are shocked and saddened. We pray for her and her family, and ask you to do the same. We have spent time in tears, prayer and shock. We have held our little boys close, thanking God for their lives. And our hearts ache for our friend whose arms are now empty. We wonder how we can support her from half a world away.

When I worked at Langley Memorial Hospital as a baby photographer, I was informed of what they call the "butterfly room." Whenever a baby was born and passed away, a butterfly was placed on the door to imform all staff and visitors that the family was dealing with a loss. A few hours after we recieved this news, I was praying about what we could do to support our friend from so far away. God placed "a butterfly" on my heart. I knew what He meant. I spent a few moments trying to get creative on how to create a butterfly. I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, so this was difficult for me. I wanted the butterfly to remind our family of the loss of this little baby and to remind us to cherish our children. It was then that God brought to mind little feet. Dan and I, together with Joel and Micah created a butterfly to place in our home. Each one of us has put a piece of ourselves into it. It may not be beautiful or even look like a butterfly to some, but to our family its a stricking reminder of little Maria. Her name is placed in the antennae of the butterfly to remind us to pray for her family.

Today has brought sorrow and we have spent the day learning how to mourn from afar. But we know that even though we are miles away, we have been brought closer through our grief. As a Christian community, our thoughts and prayers can close the gap.  
"Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night,
Jesus, We come to Thee."