Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lean, Mean, Milking Machine

Its no surprise that Micah gained 6 ounces in only 3 days. I am a lean, mean milking machine. Sometimes I feel more like a cow than a mom. But thanks to some great preparation and a wonderful device, I am a lot happier this time around with my milk production. The "Milkie, Milk Saver" has saved me a lot of frustration. When I had Joel, I would literally use a bottle to catch my extra milk on the opposite side I was feeding. I could get anywhere from 6-12 ounces per feed. It was overabundance at its best. Thankfully, with Micah, I only leak about 2 ounces per feed. That is where the milk saver has "saved" me. I just slip it into my bra on the opposite side and it catches all the extra milk for me. No trying to balance a bottle and constantly spilling it all over me. I can then easily transfer it into bottles and freeze it for later. Every day I freeze 12 ounces! Our freezer is quickly becoming full again. But I'm ready to call the Milk Bank on Monday and offer my milk again. I just have too much for our family and I know that there are those who could benefit from it.  Plus, I had such a great experience the last time around that I would love to do it again. And now that I know my milk is still in abundant supply, I feel confident enough to donate the extra. After all, God gave me enough to feed my family and share with others.
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1 comment:

  1. awesome! what a great little contraption. so glad its going better this time!
