Monday, March 11, 2013

Best Line EVER

While watching the Big Bang Theory this past week, I heard the best line ever. I literally laughed on and off all night (and the following day). Please let me quote them...but not word for word. I ain't got that kinda memory. But I do have the internet. So, I will copy and paste instead.

Howard: “Not to mention she has mammary glands that could nurse a family of 30 and have enough milk left over to open a Baskin Robbins.”

I laughed because that's how I feel sometimes. Baskin Robbins here I come! Breastmilk Ice Cream anyone?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Joel's Got Talent

And where does he get that talent???

His Mom!
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Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Finger: Warning Yucky Images

Caution: The following images may be disturbing to some viewers.

Bandaging the finger. Its a delicate task.

Micah's finger: the first day after he got his stitches. The other junk is the glue which came off pretty quick (in the sock!)

A few hours before he got his stitches out. One week after the injury.

Almost two weeks after the injury. We no longer bandage him (unless we go to play group or an extremely germy place or where there are lots of people). The socks are no longer used for feeding or sleeping. We consider him "back to normal." We just use polysporin every day (okay 3 times a day). We've stopped the amoxocillin that was used to prevent infection. We are hoping that Micah will be back to normal soon. Its a miracle that his finger healed so fast.
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Friday, March 8, 2013

Coping with Stitches

Its been an interesting two weeks around the McCrimmon household. Poor Micah has had to adapt to having stitches. When he eats, he wears a sock to help keep his finger dry and clean.

We've had to be inventive about bathing Micah. Since he can't get his stitches wet, we've been bathing him in the sink, while holding his hand in the air.

We put socks on Micah at night instead of bandages to let his finger "air out." But then we had to put one on the other hand to prevent him from pulling the other sock off. (Epic fail by the way. He uses his teeth to get them off).

Sleeping with the sock.

Bandaging his hand (it really should be considered an Olympic sport). He's a squirmy wormy!
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This is the mixer my mom got for her wedding. Its still going. And I LOVE using it. It holds my bread recipe nicely and still (barely) goes round and round. Yep, the same bread recipe my mom made growing up, is still made in her mixer. I've made a few alterations to her recipe (yah whole wheat) but the essence is still there.

Why do I use this old dilapidated mixer instead of my new shiny Kitchen Aid? Simply put: it fits my recipe. Kitchen Aid can't handle 10 cups of flour and all the other goodies we add. This mixer CAN! So I use it every time we make bread! Thanks mommy! 
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hippie Convenience Foods

I was dumping frozen packages of food into the crock pot to make soup.
Ham broth, zucchini, ham, frozen celery....when Dan comes into the kitchen and says,
"So, is this what they call packaged food?"
I nearly died. Yes Dan. Its our personal hippie convenience food.
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Monday, March 4, 2013

He's at it again

Joel....can't you wait for a SLICE of bread? Please stop ruining my loaves by chewing randomly on them.

Did you have something against my little owl bun that I made you? The whole purpose of the Owl was that you eat it and save the loaves for another day.
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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dinner with the Barkmans

Last night we had dinner with the Barkmans.
"What?!! (you ask) You had dinner with the Barkmans? How can that be? Aren't they in the Philippines?"
 Some may suppose that we flew them out for a special meal.(since its ONLY $1500 a person...hahaha) Or that we Fed-Exed a meal to them.

But alas, that was not to be. You see, with the power of technology, we were able to skype a meal with our dear friends. From half way around the world, we shared pitas and ice cream. We had a great chat during which Darnell broke a mug, Dan made falafels, Amanda baked bagels and Christina produced delicious snacks. It was great to share time with our friends, much like we would do if they still lived one street over. We enjoyed listening to Cody's stories and watching Makai stand and take a few steps. It was great to hear about their time with their parents, Peace Church and Coffee for Peace. We were blessed and encouraged as they affirmed our giving spirits. It was precious to us to be able to thank God for our food as we "broke our pitas together." We loved and enjoyed every minute we spent communing together, sharing pitas and ice cream over a computer.

Now that's hospitality!!!
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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Playground and my doggy dilemma

He's growing up so fast!

Sitting like a big kid at the top of the slide

Joel's trying to find the dog.
Begin rant now. He's terrified of this dang dog. Its a "nice" dog. But Joel screams when he sees it. I'm super annoyed that the gentleman lets his dog off the leash when clearly its a "leash-on" park. I usually ask him to put the dog back on a leash, but sometimes when other kids are there its hard. Especially when the other children get such joy from throwing the dog's ball. Its a dilemma for sure. Do I force the man to follow the rules so MY kid can enjoy himself, or do I let it slide, hear Joel scream in terror and see the other children's enjoyment? In reality, this gentleman shouldn't put me in this position. So what happened? Today, I let it slide. Until the dog cornered Joel, forcing him to let out the most agonizing scream of fear and I yelled at the man to call off his dog. (which he does in annoying!) Then I asked him to put his dog on the leash since the dog kept running around the playground and Joel was clinging to me like his life depended on it! Finally the man left with his dog. But seriously every time we are at the park he is there with his dog running around. What is a mom to do? End rant now.

Climbing UP the slide. Wrong way buddy!

I don't want to go home!!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Grocery Challenge: Week 4

Cumulative Weekly Total: $76.87
Trip 1: $ 26.97
Trip 2: $44.98
Total amount Spent: $71.95
Amount Leftover: $5.00
This week we had to make some tough decisions about what to buy. We are out of A LOT of things. We are out of chocolate chips, whole wheat flour, and toothpaste (I found some samples that will tie us over). We are almost out of laundry soap, tea bags, Joel's crackers etc. I basically had to make decisions about what we can live without for a week.
I did buy a box of chicken (pictured under the milk) since we were out and it was on sale. And apples since Joel eats them like candy. Peanut Butter is a staple in Joel's life (and there was a buy one, get one free).
This is the final week of our challenge. It is NOT sustainable to spend only $60 a week on groceries. Not with prices the way they are. I've learnt a few things though.
#1. We eat A LOT of cheese. Grilled cheese is a staple in my life. Cheese chunks in Joel's. I think we go though a block and a half a week on average. Yikes! Good thing we always buy it on sale. But we should probably cut back.
#2. I am in impulse shopper. For things that we need (or things that we normally have on hand). I impulsively buy fruit and veggies. Fruit usually isn't a problem, but quite often veggies go to waste. This month, our vegetable food waste has been non-existent. Why spend money on things we are going to waste?
#3. We can easily eat weekly meals for $60 a month. But we cannot keep up with "the extras" at that pace. Kleenex, toilet paper, laundry soap, medicine would be too much for us. I must admit that I have spent A TON of meds this month. At least $60 this month on medicine for the family (okay, and another $21 on Tylenol for the kids....I stocked up since it was $3 a bottle. STEAL!) That would add another $15-20 a week if that was a part of our budget.
#4. Forcing ourselves to be conscience of what we have as leftovers helped us eat through our freezer as well as eat the leftovers in the fridge. We only wasted a pancake this month. That's it. Normally our food waste is a bit more.
#5. You can still eat good meals and feed your friends for $60. We had 8-10 extra meals this month that were shared with friends. Which, in and of itself is an eye opener. Our food budget is quite often high because it is a part of our entertainment and giving budget. We tithe in calories. That's right. Be blessed our friends and wear your weight proudly! (oh Dan! you crack me up!)
I'm sure there are more, but I am too tired to think of any more. Its been a good challenge. I've wanted to cheat (especially this last week). But we have done it. We are proud. And we are glad to be able to have a bit more to spend. Perhaps we'll do it again. But maybe once we have flour in our house! But for now, its back to the regular budget (or maybe less, we'll see!).
Good-bye challenge! Hello FOOD!
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