Saturday, March 2, 2013

Playground and my doggy dilemma

He's growing up so fast!

Sitting like a big kid at the top of the slide

Joel's trying to find the dog.
Begin rant now. He's terrified of this dang dog. Its a "nice" dog. But Joel screams when he sees it. I'm super annoyed that the gentleman lets his dog off the leash when clearly its a "leash-on" park. I usually ask him to put the dog back on a leash, but sometimes when other kids are there its hard. Especially when the other children get such joy from throwing the dog's ball. Its a dilemma for sure. Do I force the man to follow the rules so MY kid can enjoy himself, or do I let it slide, hear Joel scream in terror and see the other children's enjoyment? In reality, this gentleman shouldn't put me in this position. So what happened? Today, I let it slide. Until the dog cornered Joel, forcing him to let out the most agonizing scream of fear and I yelled at the man to call off his dog. (which he does in annoying!) Then I asked him to put his dog on the leash since the dog kept running around the playground and Joel was clinging to me like his life depended on it! Finally the man left with his dog. But seriously every time we are at the park he is there with his dog running around. What is a mom to do? End rant now.

Climbing UP the slide. Wrong way buddy!

I don't want to go home!!!!

1 comment:

  1. so cute! wish we could join you there like old days but with the little ones now:) in november, okay??? can't wait!!! and it was SOOO good to "hang out" with you guys today and have falafels together... if only we could taste your cooking:) love ya!!!
