Friday, February 28, 2014


Joel's new love: Diggers!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sick Boys

The little guys were sick the other week. So sick, that Joel sat and watched an entire movie without moving. Not even a twinge of movement. (Normally, he can barely sit through a five minute show, let alone sit perfectly still).

The next day, Micah was hit pretty hard. But Joel took care of him and asked to snuggle him on the couch. Micah obliged.  The poor guys.
But we are on the up and up. Both boys have returned to their normal crazy selves.
Now if only blogger/Picasa would return and I wouldn't have to upload each picture individually. Then this blog could return to normal.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Big 5-0

Seven months ago, Dan started a new job. With the new job, came weight loss. Partly from not eating treats all day long, and partly from the physical labour involved in the new position. But seven months later, Dan has lost a total of 50 pounds (and counting)! Totally amazing!

Before: July 2013, a mere 7 months ago

Today: Feb 2014 --- 50 lbs lighter
These pants were a bit too tight when Dan started this weight loss journey.
Now, they no longer fit, even with a belt.
He still wears them, since we haven't bought any new clothes for him yet.
We didn't want to keep buying new clothes every few weeks, so we decided to wait until the weight loss sort of plateaued.
That hasn't happened yet.
Perhaps 50 lbs is a good reason to get some new clothes. You know, ones that fit.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Saturday morning I woke up with a migraine. Again. This is the third migraine I have ever had in my life. It is awful. Light sensitivity, sounds that make your body cringe, head in a vise grip that keeps on tightening..awful.

My first migraine was about three months after I gave birth to Joel. I thought nothing of it at the time. Just an overtired, stressed out new momma. That was, until, about three months after Micah was born and my second migraine struck. I'm guessing it has something to do with the hormones. But I was really blown away, when three months after my miscarriage, I had my third migraine. I sort of expected it, but was hoping that since I didn't go through a whole pregnancy that I would get away without one. I was wrong. At least now I know there is a pattern. I know how to deal with them.

I guess it was the perfect end to an already difficult week.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

HARD: 2013 in review

2013 was a hard year. Not in a tragic life altering way, but in an every day difficult sort of way. The days were just plain tough.
The first three and half months of the year were spent in a sleep deprived fog. We slept in 45 minute increments. Those days and nights were tough. It was hard to parent and be patient when all you wanted to do was sleep. We took the easiest possible way out when it came to discipline. It was about survival, not thriving.

When the fog slowly lifted (it took a few months to feel normal again), we found ourselves contemplating a move. The next few months were spent budgeting, packing, cleaning and subsequently moving. We enjoyed our move. And not two weeks later, Dan started a new job.
This meant we had to readjust our lives to accommodate Dan's new hours. It was an adjustment but we have felt blessed by the new schedule. It works much better for our family. But at the time, it was just another adjustment.

Joel had a lot of regression after the move. We had to re-potty train, re-introduce bedtime routines, and finally stop slacking in our discipline. It was another few months of adjustment for our family. During that time we also had a few visitors from around the world. We were busy and it was a trying time for our family. We were still tired from lack of sleep so dealing with disciplinary issues and potty training accidents just added to the chaos.

It was for about a month after the summer that we felt okay. We finally felt that we had pulled into a rest stop. Life had calmed down. We had found a new rhythm. Things were going okay. Looking back, this was a time of rest before we hit our biggest hurdle of the year.

An unexpected pregnancy, followed by an equally unexpected miscarriage.  Once again our lives where thrown into turmoil.  Certain daily life tasks became difficult as we mourned the loss of Judah. We still mourn, but the pain has lessened as time has gone on. When the sting of loss lessened, we were thrown into the Christmas season. Busyness ensued and before we knew it, 2013 was over.

It was definitely a hard year on our family. It was a hard year on our marriage. (Life lesson: Your husband looks a lot more lovable after a good night sleep. A lot of marital discord can be solved after sleeping eight...even wait, four consecutive hours). Regardless of how hard 2013 is, we can look back and see God's faithfulness. As much as this year was difficult, we have seen how God drawn us together as a family, allowing us to appreciate one another in new ways. We have been blessed with a new home and a new job, both of which were desired and prayed for. We have seen our lives evolve and change. Difficult days were well...difficult. But we have come out of this year stronger, more committed to one another and well rested. We are excited and slightly hesitant to see what 2014 will bring. But we have no choice but to move forward, anticipating the highs and lows of the coming year.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Is it 7am yet?

Literally every morning, I can find Joel staring at the clock, wondering if its 7am yet.
He knows he has to wait till the long hand goes "up, up, up to the top."
I've made this rule. No ukulele before 7am.
Its not really that big of a deal to play it before 7.
Secretly, I really just want a few minutes of silence in the morning.
That sweet, sweet half hour of silence energizes my soul.
Then, when the clock strikes 7, the sounds of Jingle Bells can be heard echoing the walls.
For the next twelve hours, I hear Jingle Bells. I hear, I just wanna be a sheep. I hear made up songs and multiple songs mixed together. One child or another is usually singing.
These four walls are filled with music.
But once in a while, its nice to have a few moments of silence.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Crescent Beach

A nice afternoon walk at Crescent Beach.

Micah grunts and groans EVERY time he picks up a rock. Even if its just a pebble. Super funny.

Throwing rocks in the ocean.

Joel found a shell

complete with a critter still inside!
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Whiterock Beach

Friday night, we had a crazy wind/rain storm. On Saturday, we went to Whiterock Beach to watch the continued wind storm.

We happened to be there as the sun was setting. It was breathtaking.

The boys loved watching the waves roll in.

I love the colours of the sunset in this shot.

The boys together, sharing a moment, while watching the waves.

The Pier
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post-Rain Storm at Fishtrap Creek

This is right at the bottom of where the path drops you down at the lake. The water is about a foot away from the pathway. Normally, there is a steep embankment (about 4-6 feet down).
 Last Friday night brought a huge dump of rain, alongside a windstorm. (Darnell and Christina: these pictures are for you!)

The path around the back of the lake was completely flooded. Even the boardwalk, which was built to withstand this type of 'disaster' was underwater.

Saturday morning, I decided to take a walk around the park with Micah, while Dan did some yard work with Joel.

When I got down to the lake, I quickly realized that I probably wouldn't be able to walk around the lake in its entirety. The lake had burst its bank.
Picnic Lunch Anyone?

I went home to tell Dan and grab my camera. (Darnell and Christina, I was thinking about you guys when we took these shots). Together we walked parts of the lake. This is probably the highest water level I have seen around Fishtrap Creek in the nine years I have lived here.

Dan and the boys did a little "off-roading." Joel LOVED it. Biggest smile on his face. Micah was unimpressed. Partly because the spray from the stroller landed on his face. Poor little guy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Welcome to my World

Sometimes things in life have NO explanation.
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