Monday, September 20, 2010

Conversations with Amanda and Dan

Sometimes the two of us have these odd kinds of conversations. Very brief and somewhat bizarre. For those of you who know us quite well, you probably won't be that surprised by its content. For those of you who don't know us that well, be prepared to learn about the inner workings of our brains and our marriage.

Conversation #1:
(while walking home from Pricesmart, Amanda breaks the silence with this....)
A: Sometimes I wish we were lesbians.
D: Huh? (odd look on face)
A: That way we can take turns having babies. I have the first one and you carry the second one.
D: Okay. I suppose its a step up from being a seahorse.

Conversation #2:
(the girls from upstairs made us cookies and dropped them off, after we invited them to share our pulled pork dinner with us)
A: I really like those girls! These cookies are like manna from heaven!
D: They're like friends....with benefits!

P.S. This is not the last of these types of posts. We have these conversations all the time. If only we could remember more of them...

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