Saturday, September 25, 2010

One month to one million

Dan's work is having a fitness challenge this month. The goal is to walk the most steps in order to win a bike (worth $600). Dan REALLY wants this bike. You can earn steps by participating in various activities that are worth a certain amount of steps for a certain time. For example, housework for 10 minutes earns you 750 steps. Or biking high intensity for 60 minutes earns you 15,000 steps. Dan has been wearing a pedometer when he is walking around work, and takes it off when he participates in other activities (to prevent double counting!). At the beginning of this month long adventure, Dan made a goal to walk one million steps. He is two weeks into this challenge and has already surpassed the half way mark! He has walked over half a million steps! And needless to say, I am not far behind him. Every evening, he drags me for an hour walk (if not longer!). And if it weren't for the fact that my bike is in the shop for repairs, we'd be biking every night. Its been great to support him in this quest for a new bike, but I must say it would be easier if I wasn't 7 months pregnant. But in two more weeks, he will have hopefully earned himself a new bike and I can put my feet up and rest for a while.

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