Friday, October 1, 2010

A bit of humour: Three year old Style

River is finally at that age, where he says what comes to mind and its truly hilarious. We've laughed quite a bit this week and we thought we'd share a few conversations with you.

Dan and I took him to Starbucks this week, while Cypress was in preschool. He wanted a chocolate milk and we ordered that for him. When it came, I drank a large sip from it to avoid the plastic cup spill that is inevitable with a three year old. Dan also took a sip, just because. River yelled out, ever so seriously, "Hey! Don't tax that!!!!!" We laughed really hard, as did all the Starbucks baristas. He gets that from us I guess. Whenever they get a cookie at a grocery store, we always insist on having a "cookie tax" aka a bite. Naturally, he was upset that his drink was taxed. But aren't we all?

Even today, when we got a slurpee, he was offering it to people saying, "Do you want a tax?" Not a taste, a tax! Can you tell we've influenced these children?

Another day this week, he was demanding a book in the car. We refused to give it to him unless he was a bit nicer. Dan told him that he needed to use his polite words. After many tries using various demanding tones, he finally asked politely, "Would you please get me my book?" Dan nicely gave it to him. River exclaims, "Hey! It worked!"

Even Cypress got in on the action this week. We went to Birchwood Dairy on a field trip. There was one lone cow in the hospital pen. The tour guide asked a bunch of preschoolers, "Do you know why this cow is all alone?" Cypress, without skipping a beat says, "He's in the naughty chair!"

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