Thursday, May 10, 2012

When the best of intentions are foiled

I had some great intentions this morning.
I did a load of laundry and hung it outside.
I had prepped lunch early so we could go to the playground and spend the maximum amount of time there.
I was about to text a friend to join us at the playground so the kids could play together.
Then these little words spoiled it all: Its raining!
No playground. No time with friends. Laundry still hanging outside, just getting a bit wetter. Sometimes things like that just happen. We really can't control circumstances. But we can change our attitude about it. So instead of worrying about wet laundry, I'm leaving it outside hoping that the weather will change. Instead of playing outside, the kids are playing animals in the living room (and loving every minute of it). Instead of seeing friends this morning, they'll be here in the evening for dinner and the Big Bang Party.

I guess this is similar to waiting for our baby to arrive. We have the best of intentions. We can choose the "perfect" day in which we would love our new baby to arrive. But its not always the best day for the baby, or the day that God has chosen. We would love to see this baby arrive early, so that Grandpapa can come and visit on the long weekend and see his new grandchild. We would love to have a week or so of recovery before he arrives, to adjust to this new life. We would love this baby to arrive early so that our friends who are leaving for the Philippines can meet our new arrival.  We would love for the baby to arrive so that we can all be at their commissioning service. But we cannot predict or control when we go into labour. I would love to know for sure when it happens. So that I can be at home, without River and with a sitter for Joel close by. But alas, that is not to be. When labour hits, it hits. When this baby decides to arrive, it will arrive. Whether its 2 weeks early or 10 days late. The greatest intentions are just that: intentions. But I can control my attitude about it all. I can choose to think positive. I can choose to have many contingency plans in place for when labour actually hits. I can remain hopeful that the baby will arrive early, but continue to be realistic and know that I will probably be overdue. So for now, I will continue to live life as normally as possible, praying regularly for the safe arrival of our second child.


  1. Now you have me in tears, Amanda! I guess it was my turn:)
    We went for a walk to run some errands and got stuck in the rain! We'll see you tonight and it will be fun:) Glad you stayed positive, dear friend.

  2. I love you and your positive attitude, and I will be your sitter close by! Consider me on call from now on. 24 hours a day (unless I'm in class, I guess) but I will run over there in my PJ's at 2am for you guys! <3
