Monday, May 28, 2012


How come every time I wear my white sweater, Joel decides to fall down and bleed? Really? That sweater is almost a guarantee that Joel will bleed. And then I feel like a bad mom, for pushing him away as the blood pours down so I can first remove my sweater before comforting him. But the reality is, he isn't going to die in that time, and it'll save me ten minutes of stain treating later on. Ten minutes I can spend comforting him and playing with him instead.


  1. FYI i'm subscribed to your blog, and so everyday when I check it and see that you have an entry update, i get really excited thinking there will be a picture of your new baby, and then i'm let down because it's just about a white sweater and blood... :(

    hoping the time arrives soon :)

  2. You're not the only one anxiously awaiting pictures of a little baby on this blog. I would love to share them, but unfortunately I don't own an ultrasound machine to achieve those pictures. We'll all just have to be patient and wait for this little one to make its arrival into the world. HOpefully soon! Maximum wait 9-10 days. Its coming!
