Sunday, March 31, 2013


This is what happens when you start making Paska (traditional sweet Easter bread) at 8pm.
It was our first attempt. The recipe is old school. You know...add enough flour to make soft dough kinda thing. (yah..thanks for that. 10 cups later......)
We didn't let it rise long enough. It was already 11:30pm when we "finished" the final rise.
We set 3 timers and threw it in the oven for an hour and went to bed as neither one of us could muster the strength to stay awake that long.
About 15 minutes after the timers went off (one repeatedly every 10 seconds), we finally woke up to JOEL! Dan rescued the bread, but it was already too late.
Crispy Paska anyone?
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1 comment:

  1. Making pasta is an all day affair I have discovered. It usually involves about 6 hours of least my recipe. Tastes great, though, so I stick with it.
