"We are one in the Spirit, we
are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will work with each
other, we will work side by side
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will walk with each
other, we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love "
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love "
Pentecost Sunday has been a blessing to me this year. Pastor April was sharing about how Pentecost is the Church's birthday. A time to remember what the Spirit has done and is doing. The Spirit is working in all of us. Whether we are missionaries overseas, raising a family, offering hospitality, adopting a child, working to support our family, etc, we are doing the work of the Holy Spirit.
These past few weeks and the weeks to come are full of change in our lives. I've stopping working for a family, that I have been with for the past 5 years. We are expecting our second child. Good friends, Darnell and Christina Barkman are moving to the Philippines to plant a peace church, and our other friends, Greg and Karmen Sawatsky are planning on teaching kindergarten in Korea. It is such a blessing to be able to commission our friends to do the work of God in other countries. But its often left Dan and I feeling lonely and longing for those friendships.
This morning, Peace, which comes only from God, swept over me. "We will work with each other, we will work side by side." It was a revelation to me. We are all doing the work of God. Together. Side by Side. Yes, we will be in separate countries. Yes, we are divided by miles and hours and timezones. But together, side by side, we are all doing the work of the Spirit. The Barkmans are planting a Peace church. But we are too. The Sawatsky's are teaching kindergartners. But we are too. We are home, raising a family, offering hospitality to those who need a year or two (or more) of friendship. But so are they. We are all doing this together, side by side. Together we are spreading the Good News of Christ. In whatever we are doing, wherever we are doing it, we are doing it together as a global community.
Last week, we commissioned the Barkmans for their work in the Philippines. This morning felt like a commissioning service for all of us. We are all called to do the work of God, wherever we are. Together we celebrate the church's birthday, the day of Pentecost. We celebrate not only that the Spirit came down many years ago, but we celebrate that the Spirit is still at work among us. It is a blessing to offer hospitality. Its a blessing to build a Peace Church. It is a blessing to teach young children. Its a blessing to raise a family, work, adopt a child, offer love, share a meal, etc. Together we will walk with one another, hand in hand, spreading the news of God. We will work side by side with each other doing the work of the Holy Spirit. And that is something to celebrate.