Monday, June 11, 2012

Community of Sorrow

"Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light,
Jesus, I come to Thee;
Out of my sickness, into Thy health,
Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into Thyself,
Jesus, I come to Thee."

Being a part of community isn't always full of joy. Today has been filled with sorrow. A dear friend of ours, who had a baby due around the same time as us, is dealing with unspeakable sadness. Her baby was born via C-section, and whisked away. A week later, her baby passed away. She only got to hold her little baby girl once.

Today we recieved news of her baby's passing. We are shocked and saddened. We pray for her and her family, and ask you to do the same. We have spent time in tears, prayer and shock. We have held our little boys close, thanking God for their lives. And our hearts ache for our friend whose arms are now empty. We wonder how we can support her from half a world away.

When I worked at Langley Memorial Hospital as a baby photographer, I was informed of what they call the "butterfly room." Whenever a baby was born and passed away, a butterfly was placed on the door to imform all staff and visitors that the family was dealing with a loss. A few hours after we recieved this news, I was praying about what we could do to support our friend from so far away. God placed "a butterfly" on my heart. I knew what He meant. I spent a few moments trying to get creative on how to create a butterfly. I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, so this was difficult for me. I wanted the butterfly to remind our family of the loss of this little baby and to remind us to cherish our children. It was then that God brought to mind little feet. Dan and I, together with Joel and Micah created a butterfly to place in our home. Each one of us has put a piece of ourselves into it. It may not be beautiful or even look like a butterfly to some, but to our family its a stricking reminder of little Maria. Her name is placed in the antennae of the butterfly to remind us to pray for her family.

Today has brought sorrow and we have spent the day learning how to mourn from afar. But we know that even though we are miles away, we have been brought closer through our grief. As a Christian community, our thoughts and prayers can close the gap.  
"Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night,
Jesus, We come to Thee."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Church Community

Today, my Dad and Shannon came to visit Micah. While they were here, Mary Derksen came over to pick up her casserole dish from a meal she had cooked earlier in the week (thanks again!). I told them that the church provides a weeks worth of meal (thanks for organizing that Greg and Karmen) to a family after they have a baby. Shannon exclaimed to my Dad, "See! That's why we should join a church!"

Her comment stuck with me. We are blessed to be a part of a church community that values one another. We take care of each other.

My dad's comment afterward floored me. "But then you know who would be calling. People would want us to cook for them too." In his selfishness, he missed the point. Community is about helping one another and being helped. Its about giving and taking. Its about caring for one another. Little does he know, but not 8 weeks earlier, we were the ones bringing the meal to another family who just had a baby (hi Darnell and Christina). Its a reciprocal gesture.

Community to us has always been important. We can't imagine having to cook meals after just having a baby. It would be too much work and we'd probably end up "finger cooking" (ordering in). We've heard many stories of people who had to cook meals for their entire extended families 24 hours post-partum.  (Can you imagine?) Many people we've talked to have been amazed by the generosity of the church. And to be honest, we are too. We don't take it for granted. We are truly blessed by the community that surrounds us. And the best part? It goes beyond just meals. Its the warmth you feel when they offer to get groceries for you. Its the thought behind the question, "Do you need anything?" Its the blessing of having them run after your toddler when you are 9 months pregnant. Its the smiles and hugs they give. Its the encouragement they give you with a squeeze of the shoulder when your unruly toddler is fussing in church (thanks Margaret). Its the joy you see in their eyes as they watch your family grow. It the desire to hold your newborn and play with your toddler. Its the laughter you see when your toddler makes a break for it during the service.

Its a blessing to us to be a part of a church community and all that it entails, both the giving and the receiving, the joys and the sorrows.  Perhaps they should join the church and see what community is really all about.

Friday, June 8, 2012

More Photos

Family Portrait

Snuggles with mommy

Joel LOVING Micah!!

Sleeping Beauty (Dan calls it butt crack chin)

Who can resist these little feet??

Enough already! STOP the PAPARAZZI!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Welcome to the World!

Micah Samuel McCrimmon
born June 5, 2012 at 5:28am

Micah means "Who is like God?"
Samuel means "God has heard"

Weighing 8lbs 9oz (Joel was 7 lbs 9.5oz)
21 inches long (same as Joel)

We are super excited to have our newest addition here!

The Birth Story
Joel woke up at 3am with some tummy troubles. Dan went to soothe him, while Amanda lay awake in pain. At 3:30 am, after a trip to the bathroom, Amanda felt some contractions, similar to the ones she had earlier in the evening (between 6 and 7:30pm). Within a few minutes, she realized that this was the real deal. The contractions were 2-3 minutes apart! Not wanting to call her midwives too early in case this turned into another case of false labour, Amanda resisted the urge to call too soon. At 4am, the labour instinct kicked in and it became urgent that help arrive soon.

Dan called our midwives, mother and friend/former midwife Rachel. Mom arrived first, then Rachel at 4:30am. But no midwives (they didn't arrive until 5am!) Rachel took charge, as any good friend would. Did I wanted to be check? (nah, if you say I'm 6 cm I might kill you) How was I feeling? (I'm handling the pain okay)  Did I feel like pushing? (sorta)  She constantly reassured me that I was doing a great job.

The midwives finally arrived at 5am. Sharon (who I've seen in clinic numerous times) and Joy (whom I never met before). I greeted Joy by saying, "Hello, nice to meet you when I'm here completely naked!" It gave her a laugh and made me feel comfortable with her presence. Joy was joining us from a different practise since there was another birth happening at the same time as mine.

I listened to my body and breathed through each contraction. I felt like pushing and finally allowed my body to do so. At 5:20am my water broke with a gush like a water balloon. Micah descended rapidly and I felt like his head was already half way out. I pushed a bit and his head came out with such sweet relief. He let out a little cry. Then it was time for the shoulders. But Micah decided that he wanted his hand and shoulder to arrive at the same time. Ouch! But finally he was out.

They placed him on the bed in front of me (I was on my hands and knees). I opened his legs and to my surprise, found out that I had just given birth to a little boy (I was utterly convinced that it was girl). Joy reassured me that his heart rate was good, but they were concerned since he wasn't breathing yet.  His face was blue and I have never felt so scared in my life. I kept telling him to breathe. They gave him some oxygen and Rachel rubbed her hand down his spine. It was then that he came to life and had colour in his face. He let out a little cry. He was fine! Just a bit stunned from the quick delivery.

Joel woke up at 7 am and immediately was brought in to meet his little brother. He was a bit overwhelmed by all the commotion but almost immediately offered his giraffe to Micah. He gave Micah a kiss and then went off to play.

Joel was super surprised that Micah brought him a new golf set. He refuses to let go of his new golf clubs and has scattered all the golf balls around the house.  Joel has already tried sharing his golf clubs with Micah and seems a bit disappointed that Micah doesn't play back.

We've had a good morning, bonding as a family. And look forward to many more opportunities to share the love we have for one another.
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Frustration City

Sunday night, 6pm: Contractions start and are 2-3 minutes apart. Nothing really intense, just enough to need to breathe through them. I was able to laugh and joke with my mom and Dan (ahhh..toe cramp!). These lasted until 7:30pm when they slowed to 5 minutes apart and eventually petered out at 9:30pm.

Monday Night: Had a few intense contraction between 4:30 and 6pm. Then at 6pm, they went crazy! I was moaning and groaning. Every 2-3 minutes, I was in agony. I couldn't talk and breathing though them wasn't really doing much. I was anticipating this to be the "real deal." I even had Dan put the sheet on the bed in anticipation of our home birth. But yet again, at 7:30pm, they slowed down to 5 minutes apart and eventually petered out by 9:30pm.

Its frustrating. I've called the midwives to inform them that I might be in the beginning stages of labour, only to have the contractions stop. Today, my friend and former midwife Rachel called during the intense part of my "labour" and wondered how I was. I couldn't even talk during the contractions. But then had to inform her that they stopped and she should just stay home.

I think I was prepared for the physical aspects of pre-labour. (Although tonight gave me a run for my money). But the hardest part is the emotional side of things. The anticipation of this glorious event and then the devastating end of the progression. I feel guilty for not being able to stay in labour. I am annoyed that my mother has to come out every night to hang out, make dinner and look after Joel only to have the contractions stop later in the evening.  I'm frustrated that I have thought I am in labour twice, only to be fooled by this little leech. I'm tired of praying for this baby to come out or for the labour to end. Its a cruel, cruel joke I tell ya. My emotions are going nuts. I'm not happy. We're all frustrated that this baby has decided that my uterus is too hospitable to leave. I can't even look after my own son by myself. Dan stayed home from work today to help me out, since after about 10 minutes of walking, I can contract too intensely to care for my own child.

I'm still only 3-4 cm dilated (as of this afternoon). I am ready for this child to arrive. I'm just getting physically tired, emotionally exhausted and spiritually defeated. Pray for us if you will. We need some encouragement and signs of hope. Oh...and a baby IN OUR ARMS!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Most Pregnant I have ever been

As of Friday at 8:02pm, I am officially the most pregnant I have ever been. But now its Saturday and I'm still pregnant. I am officially 5 days overdue (Joel was only 4 days overdue). Its a bit disheartening to not be holding my beloved child in my arms, but exciting knowing that at any moment labour could kick in and in a few hours (hopefully) I'd be holding my child. And I know that eventually I will be holding my baby in my arms, even if this child decides not to come on its own (Thursday would be induction day).
Today I have been relaxing and walking. I have already walked to Safeway and back with my neighbour, and to House of James and back with my mom. I hope that all this walking will help induce labour (and not leave me too tired to do all that hard work). Now, I'm sitting and watching my mother play with Joel in the backyard while I rest from all that walking.

Some random things I look forward to about not being pregnant, other than the obvious (holding my baby)
1. Getting to wear my wedding ring again
2. Not having these insane pregnancy hormones making my hair into a big frizz ball all the time
3. Not having to worry about who is at home and if I can call them to come and look after Joel
4. Being able to walk around the block and not worry about going into labour
5. Not having to get up and pee ever 45 minutes
6. Not going through 4 rolls of TP every day (see above)
7. Being able to tell Joel that the baby is FINALLY here
8. Going to the store and buying veggies without worrying about them going bad after the baby is born
9. Being able to play on the floor with Joel
10. Not being bored stiff staying at home all day hoping to go into labour

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Photo Shoot

Last night, our care group from church shared our last meeting together as a complete group. (okay, we weren't even all there, since Jordan had to work, but this is as close as we'll come in the following weeks). We decided that it would be fun to get some group shots and some shots of the two boys together.

Cody and Joel: about to share a kiss

Group Shot: (L-R) Carlye, Dan, Amanda, baby #2, Joel, Cody, Christina, Makai, Darnell, Karmen and Greg (missing: Jordan)

Another good shot!!!

Time for some silliness!

Yikes! Karmen and Greg with a baby?! Who would have thought??? You can see how "shocking" it would be for them!

I really just love Darnell's face in this picture

Karmen and Cody taking a peek over the fence at the puppy

Cody is super determined to give Joel and kiss. Joel wants nothing to do with it. But Cody's got his own way of making things happen.

Even though its a bit blurry, I still love how Karmen and Carlye are busting a gut at Cody trying to give Joel that kiss. Joel, still wants nothing to do with it. I think I have about twenty shots that look similar.

Carlye and Joel
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Monday, May 28, 2012


How come every time I wear my white sweater, Joel decides to fall down and bleed? Really? That sweater is almost a guarantee that Joel will bleed. And then I feel like a bad mom, for pushing him away as the blood pours down so I can first remove my sweater before comforting him. But the reality is, he isn't going to die in that time, and it'll save me ten minutes of stain treating later on. Ten minutes I can spend comforting him and playing with him instead.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Portraits of a Growing Family

Joel, can you say Baby?
"Na Na"
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Global Community: Working side by side

"We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love "

Pentecost Sunday has been a blessing to me this year. Pastor April was sharing about how Pentecost is the Church's birthday. A time to remember what the Spirit has done and is doing. The Spirit is working in all of us. Whether we are missionaries overseas, raising a family, offering hospitality, adopting a child, working to support our family, etc, we are doing the work of the Holy Spirit.

These past few weeks and the weeks to come are full of change in our lives. I've stopping working for a family, that I have been with for the past 5 years. We are expecting our second child. Good friends, Darnell and Christina Barkman are moving to the Philippines to plant a peace church, and our other friends, Greg and Karmen Sawatsky are planning on teaching kindergarten in Korea.  It is such a blessing to be able to commission our friends to do the work of God in other countries. But its often left Dan and I feeling lonely and longing for those friendships.

This morning, Peace, which comes only from God, swept over me. "We will work with each other, we will work side by side." It was a revelation to me. We are all doing the work of God. Together. Side by Side. Yes, we will be in separate countries. Yes, we are divided by miles and hours and timezones. But together, side by side, we are all doing the work of the Spirit. The Barkmans are planting a Peace church. But we are too. The Sawatsky's are teaching kindergartners. But we are too. We are home, raising a family, offering hospitality to those who need a year or two (or more) of friendship. But so are they. We are all doing this together, side by side. Together we are spreading the Good News of Christ. In whatever we are doing, wherever we are doing it, we are doing it together as a global community.

Last week, we commissioned the Barkmans for their work in the Philippines. This morning felt like a commissioning service for all of us. We are all called to do the work of God, wherever we are. Together we celebrate the church's birthday, the day of Pentecost. We celebrate not only that the Spirit came down many years ago, but we celebrate that the Spirit is still at work among us. It is a blessing to offer hospitality. Its a blessing to build a Peace Church. It is a blessing to teach young children. Its a blessing to raise a family, work, adopt a child, offer love, share a meal, etc. Together we will walk with one another, hand in hand, spreading the news of God. We will work side by side with each other doing the work of the Holy Spirit. And that is something to celebrate.