Saturday, February 2, 2013

Take THAT Top Chef!

I must admit. We've been watching a bit of the Food Network lately (mostly for when Joel is "watching" TV...its a safe channel-no violence and no annoying kiddie shows. Win Win).

But I've come to realize (thanks to another lovely blogger) that those Top Chefs have nothing on me.

Its one thing to make a gourmet meal. Its another thing to do it with a toddler and baby in your kitchen (and all their toys).

Especially when the baby is trying to pull himself up on your leg while you are trying to move around the kitchen.

Or the kids happen to empty the toy bin RIGHT in the middle of the kitchen.

I'd like to see those Top Chefs make their meals with a toddler and baby in tow.

Take THAT Top Chef! I do it every night!


  1. Is this a new season of Top Chef? Jordan and I looooove it!

  2. Haha that is awesome, Amanda. You're too funny. And of course, I totally know how you feel! The worst is when my hands are full or messy and Makai comes and stands up against me... if I move he'll fall and if I pick him up we're all a mess! Oh the joys:)
    ps. can't see the pictures :(
