Thursday, February 14, 2013


In honor of Valentines Day, here are a few reasons why I love my hubby

He lets me sleep till 8am every morning. Even if that means he gets up at 5:30am with the boys.
He empties the dishwasher and cleans the bathroom-two jobs that I loathe
He works hard to keep a roof over our head and food in our bellies
He can rough-house with the boys and manages to (rarely) hurt them
He knows random useless things that somehow come in handy
He is passionate about history and knows all about wars, guns and tanks
He can cook. There ain't nothing better than a Dan in the kitchen
He is faithful.
He is rarely angry. When he is upset, he talks through it.
He is super patient. So much so that it makes me sick sometimes! I wish I had just an ounce of his patience.
He always says "I Love you" before leaving for work and before falling asleep that comes complete with a kiss.
He still holds my hand when we walk (when there are no children holding it)
He loves the boys.
He has a big butt...and I love big butts (and I cannot lie). Ha Ha.
He encourages me to meet new people (and bring them cookies!) even though that's hard for me.
He loves to give.
He loves to read. He can read all the time and is instilling that behaviour in the boys.
He handled my great pregnant whipping cream debacle with ease.
He changes diapers, even the poopy ones.
He can find that special tickle spot on the boys that makes them giggle with glee.
He watches girly movies with me.
He'll try so hard to listen to me late at night when he's tired, and will even "snore" his answers.
We're on the same page about how to raise our boys, being crazy crunchy hippie type people and preserving food.
He hates Valentines Day.

That is why I love my hubby (among other things!)
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  1. Ahh yes. The great pregnant whipped cream debacle. Story makes me laugh every time.

  2. i know what you mean about a "dan in a kitchen"! it's true, there is nothing better!
