Monday, October 8, 2012

Micah's Dedication

Yesterday we were blessed to have our friend, Chris, dedicate our little boy, Micah,  to the Lord. It was a great way to spend thanksgiving.

We are truly thankful for our boys. We are thankful that Micah has joined our family. We are thankful that we are surrounded by a wonderful church community who continually encourages us, prays for us, and helps us raise our boys. We were blessed to be surrounded by our family and friends yesterday as we declare that our little boy to belong to the Lord.

 Thanks to all of you who joined us yesterday, whether you were there in person or in spirit. We know that we are surrounded by people who live all over the world
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  1. So sorry Jordan and I couldn't be there... He had to work this weekend, since thanksgiving is so busy at UGM. We love you guys so so much and your lovely children. We hope to see you soon! You are a great family and your children are lucky to have parents as great as you, who care about them so so much.

  2. We wish we could have been there also to support your lovely family. Love you guys lots!
