Saturday, October 13, 2012

Preservation Pyramid

Our shelves are full. We are tired. But we are finally done preserving food for the winter. (It no wonder animals hibernate all winter....its exhausting). For those who are wondering what we canned:

Pumpkin butter, Apple Butter,
Cherry Jam, Bumbleberry Jam, Peach Jam
Pear Butter, Raspberry Jam, Strawberry Jam, Blueberry Jam
Salsa, Nectarines, Pickles, Tomatoes, Green Beans
Apple Sauce, Cherries, Pears, Peaches, Pear Sauce, Apricots 

Oh! Here is the dehydrated fruit!

Cherries, Pears, Strawberries
Peaches, Blueberries, Raspberries, Apples

And we also have the veggies that aren't pictured!
We have leeks, carrots (from the garden) and tomatoes!

Plus, a freezer full of bread crumbs (homemade from bread crusts),
sourdough bread and numerous types of cookies.

I love this time of year. We are done the hard work. We get to see the bounty of our labour. And get to grow fat on our fruit and veggies! Perhaps its time to share our hard work with a preservation party?
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1 comment:

  1. simply AMAZING!!! wish we were there to eat it with you throughout the year:)
