...also known as Post-Squeah Stress Disorder.

We came home with two grumpy boys. Boys who had spent one glorious weekend being cuddled, held and played with. And then, they come home to one busy momma, a sick papa and a cold each.
We came home with two grumpy boys. Boys who had spent one glorious weekend being cuddled, held and played with. And then, they come home to one busy momma, a sick papa and a cold each.
This week is a busy week. We are planning Micah's dedication for Sunday, there is Thanksgiving and all the preparations that go with that.
Then there is apple sauce that needed to be made, a pumpkin that needed processing and bread crusts that were made into bread crumbs.
Plus two sick kids and one sick husband, makes this momma a busy one. It doesn't help that all the boys haven't been sleeping well (since they can't breathe). Which in turn means that I don't sleep.
On Monday, I went to treat myself to a nice pumpkin spice frappe at Starbucks, only to find that its closed for renovations.Ahhhh! PSSD (pumpkin spice shortage disorder)! Had to hit up the Starbucks in Safeway instead. Its never as good. Partly because the coffee isn't made the same (it tastes different to me) and partly because carrying two kids across the parking lot, with two to-go cups is A LOT to carry, especially with Joel running all over.
Have I mentioned that Micah seems to be going through a growth spurt and is eating constantly? Or that since Sunday I've already done 8 loads of laundry?
The weekend away was a nice change of pace. I felt really relaxed. Had a great time hanging out with people from the church. Temporarily forgot I had a toddler since these nice girls took care of him all weekend. Barely held Micah, since the church wanted a turn. Got to go for coffee with a friend at the Blue Moose in Hope. Danced (okay, circle games with musical movement) with Dan....and a bunch of other people. Won a game of Settlers against a husband and wife who both claim to be undefeated (ahem...Chris and Katrina). I sure won that argument!
Sounds like the weekend was fun and the aftermath, not so much. Wish we could have been there! So great talking to you guys the other day and seeing your precious kids.